Tuesday, July 27, 2010

JCA Circular


Income tax Employees Federation

Income tax Gazetted Officers Association

Manishinath Building

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden

New Delhi. 110027

Website: Itef: itef.blogspot.com

E mail; ITEF: itef@sify.com; itefcentral@gmail.com.

ITGOA: e mail: secgenrm@yahoo.co.in




Dated: 27.07.2010


We write this in continuation of our letter of even No. dated 31/05/2010, wherein we had conveyed the decision taken at the joint meeting of the two Federations to mount a non-co-operation movement in pursuance of the charter of demands. In this connection we solicit your kind reference to the discussion the representatives of the two Federations had with you on 28th June, 2010, when we were assured that


(a) The DPC for promoting the eligible ITOs as Assistant Commissioners would be held by the end of July, 2010 and proposal as regards DCIT to JCIT will be finalised by 31st July 2010 as indicated by the Chairman, UPSC.


(b) The scheme for extending telephone facilities to all employees and officers of the Department within the existing financial outflow in this regard would be finalised in a week's time;

(c) The question of outsourcing of functions of the Department necessitated due to the shortage of manpower would be discussed and settled if the ITEF draws out scheme and submit the same to the Member (Per). Such a scheme has been submitted to the Member (P) by ITEF:


(d) Instructions would be issued to all field formations to fill up the existing vacancies in various grades in the care taking staff cadres;


(e) The CBDT will explore the possibilities of engaging daily rated workers through Employment Exchange till such time the requisite number of posts are created;


(f) The Director General will cause discussion in the matter of conducting the Departmental Examinations 2010 with the representatives of the ITEF and will reach an agreement in the matter. The issue was discussed and consensus arrived at; but

the matter is stated to be pending for the Board's approval;


(g) The other issues in the charter like publishing of Civil List etc., would be settled by mutual discussion within a stipulated time frame;

In none of the issues finality has been reached so far. In the meantime, the Department went ahead with organising functions throughout the country to celebrate the 150th year of the functioning of the Income tax Department . No doubt some of the Chief Commissioners did extend invitations to the State Units of the two Federations eliciting their co-operation and participation. Despite the fact that we had taken the decision to be on agitation with a non-co-operation movement, we advised our unit to extend all co-operation in the matter as we are equally proud of belonging to Income tax Department. However we regret to inform you that the CBDT did not deem it fit to either write to us or elicit our participation in any of the functions, even though these two recognized Federations do represent the large majority in fact more than 98% of the I. T. Personnel.


We have been informed by our State Unit that the CBDT has now decided to keep open the office, especially the return counters on 31st July, 2010, even though it happens to be a closed day. Since this being a requirement to reach out the tax paying public and an obligation on the part of the Department, we are to inform you that we have advised all our unit to do everything possible to ensure that the tax paying public are provided with all facilities to file the return of income on 31st. However, we shall be grateful if the CBDT could issue necessary instructions to all the Chief Commissioners of Income tax, to provide all facilities, viz. transportation, food etc, to all the personnel drafted for duty on 31stjuly, 2010. We also hope that the CBDT will do well to settle the aforementioned issues as promised at the meeting of the 28th June, 2010 expeditiously so that a conducive atmosphere for the well-functioning of the department could be created.


Yours faithfully,

Ashok Salunkhe / Rajesh Menon

Joint Convenors

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Circular 32


Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,New Delhi. 110 027.

www.itef.blogspot.com email: itefcentral@gmail.com.

Telefax. 2510 5321; 6543 1807


President: K.P. Rajagopal.                     Secretary General: Ashok B Shalunke


Dated: 21.07.2010

Dear Comrade,

                                                Departmental  Examintion 2010

            The finer points concerning the conduct of examination 2010 was discussed with theDIT(IT) Examination and the other officials of the Directorate on 20th inst.  The consensus arrived at is as under:


1.      Most of the points we submitted for the consideration of the conduct of examinationm2010 have been accepted.  Wherever there had been some differences, those were subjected to discussion and the following agreement has been reached.

2.      Ministerial Staff Examination.  The Exam this year will be under the old pattern.  The changes we had suggested in the new syllabus could be further discussed and agreement reached before the 2011 Examination.

3.      Inspectors Examination.  The final decision is that exemption would be granted for those papers cleared by the candidates under the old pattern. They will only take up those papers which are identified as analogous under the new scheme  to the papers under the old pattern. (Please see our letter to the Director dated 13th July, 2010.

4.      In the case of ITOs examination, those who are yet to clear the I.T Law paper I and II under the old scheme will have to take up Paper I and IV under the new scheme. The papers cleared under the old scheme would be exempted.  The various papers identified under the new scheme  as analogous to the papers under the old pattern vide our letter of 13th in all other cases have been accepted.

5.      Those who seek exemption in the papers already cleared will have to write those papers that are not cleared under the new patter identified as analogous, but in their case the conditions of the old examination rules will apply.

6.      In the case of Inspectors examination, the candidate would be required to obtain 50% to clear the paper had they availed the exemption.

7.      In the case of ITOs examination those who are to clear the O.P. paper, the Directorate will prepare an objection question paper in O.P. especially for those candidates.  

8.      The scheme so evolved will be in operation in perpetuity till the candidates who have availed the exemption pass the remaining papers or till such time they exhaust the number of changes or are age barred.

9.      The scheme is made applicable only for those who are to clear any two subjects.  In other words, those who are to clear more than two papers will have to write all the papers under the new scheme 

10.  In order to enable the Directorate to prepare for the agreed scheme and enlist the fresh candidates who would now become eligible to take up the examination, the examination schedule is likely to be postponed to commence from 25th October, 2010 The intervening  Saturday has been agreed to be a working day for the examinees in order to ensure that all the three examinations are completed by 2nd November, 2010.

11.  The Directorate will announce the  scheme after obtaining the requisite approval from the CBDT.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,



Ashok B. Salunkhe

Secretary General

Monday, July 19, 2010

jca circular

Placed hereunder is the circular of JCA


Income tax Employees Federation

Income tax Gazetted  Officers Association

Manishinath Building

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden

New Delhi. 110027

Website: Itef: itef.blogspot.com

E mail; ITEF: itef@sify.com; itefcentral@gmail.com.

ITGOA: e mail: secgenrm@yahoo.co.in


M/12/ 2010


Dated: 17.07.2010


Dear Comrades,




As in many earlier occasions, the one day strike on 15.7.2010 organised under the banner of the Joint Council of Action was a tremendous success for we could elicit total participation of all employees and officers in the strike action. As per the report received, barring a few comrades in Kerala and Nagpur the entire membership of both the Federation abided by the call. There was   some misunderstanding in the said two regions, which resulted in very few employees attending office.  Barring these two stray cases, the offices throughout the country, remained virtually deserted except a few IRS officers here and there. The strike has once again demonstrated our unity, strength and determination to fight injustice.  We place our sincere gratitude and thanks to all those comrades who made strenuous efforts to make this feat possible and congratulate the entire membership of ITEF and ITGOA, which together constitute the Joint Council of Action, for the repeated performance of a cent percent strike action.

The strike action, as you are all aware was conceived to demonstrate the growing discontent and frustration of our members over the inordinate delay in addressing the issues of the employees and promotee officers by the Central Board of Direct Taxes.  While the top echelons in the hierarchy and their brethren in the IRS garners all privileges, perks and benefits that come in the wake of achievements acquired by the untiring efforts of the employees and promote officers,  in the matter of reaching higher collection targets, the speedy redresses of the grievances of the tax paying public; expeditious processing of the returns of income; completing the assessment proceedings et all, the genuine grievances or problems and the legitimate demands of the vast section of the employees and officers are allowed to everlastingly pend. 

It is all the more appropriate that the strike action took place during the period when  the entire central Government employees were organising functions to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first strike action of 1960, which commenced on 12th July, 1960 and ended on 16th July, 1960.  We can be  proud of the fact that we decided to remember and pay homage in the most befitting manner to the leaders of the 1960 strike action, whose courage and conviction is written in golden letters, by organising the strike action on 15th July, 2010

The demands in pursuance of which we organised the one day strike was the subject matter of discussions with the Chairman on 28th June, 2010 and on many early occasions. Assurances were held out. But no settlement was brought about.  It is now more than two years that the promotions  to the cadre of Assistant Commissioners have been effected; despite obtaining the requisite relaxation in the residency period the promotion to the level of Joint Commissioner has not been ordered with cascading impact down the line; despite that the dreaded ADR scheme has been withdrawn, no recruitment is being effected  especially in the lower grades in the care taking cadre; the Bangalore CPC continue to be manned by outsiders inspite of an agreement to the contrary reached way back in 2008.  Even the order stepping up of pay to address the issue of discrimination in the matter of pay fixation between the Direct Recruits and Promotee officials has not been issued giving an impression that the creation of the Directorate of HRD has only slowed down the pace of disposal of matters pertaining to the employees. The publication of civil list a procedural administrative requirement has been given a go by since 2006.

We are aware that the one day strike even after its total success will not be sufficient to create sanctions on the CBDT. Our second phase of action must, therefore, commence as detailed in our last circular letter from 20th July, 2010 i.e. Continued agitation before Chairman & Members, CBDT during their visit and Non-Cooperation in the Search & Seizure u/s 132 and Survey u/s. 133A (including TDS Survey/Verification/Enquiry by whatever name called).  Unlike the one day strike, the Non-Cooperation will call for constant monitoring, incessant persuasion; vigilant and effective intervention to avoid the inherent inter-personnel conflicts.  We have to perforce face the daunting challenge. ITEF & ITGOA together are capable of acquitting ourselves creditably.  Any clarification required in the matter of implementation of the Non-Cooperation movement may be sought from the Joint Convenors through their respective e mails.  We shall respond immediately. 

Thanking one and all, once again, for the excellent manner in which the strike was organised and appealing to all of you to jointly move to make the second phase of the agitational programme strong enough, so that we get our just demands conceded. The Central JCA will review the situation, in the first week of August 2010 and will inform on further course of action.    

With greetings,


Yours fraternally,

Ashok Salunkhe & Rajesh Menon

Joint Convenors.



Friday, July 16, 2010

circular 31


Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,New Delhi. 110 027.

http://www.itef.blogspot.com/ email: itefcentral@gmail.com.

Telefax. 2510 5321; 6543 1807

President: K.P. Rajagopal. Secretary General: Ashok B Shalunke

ITEF/31/2010 Dated: 16th July, 2010.

Dear Comrade,

On Departmental Examination

The ITEF representatives met DG(Admn) on 13th to discuss and finalize the examination related

issues. After detailed discussion, the DG agreed to place the following proposal before the Board.

1. Ministerial Staff Examination: The Exam will be conducted under the old pattern in this year. The ITEF suggestion on the new pattern will be further discussed and finality reached before 2011 Examination.

2. Inspectors and ITOs Exams : Either one more chance will be given to all candidates who are to clear two subject or less under old pattern


All those who have written the Exam under the old pattern will be allowed to retain exemption to those papers, which they have cleared. In other words they will have to clear the uncleared papers. ie the identical papers in the new syllabus with the condition stipulated under old rules.

On getting Board's approval, necessary steps will be taken by the Directorate to receive revised applications etc. If necessary, the exam will be postponed for Inspectors and ITOs.

Copy of our letter handed over to DG on the basis of which discussions took place is enclosed.

With greetings

Yours fraternally

Ashok B Salunkhe.

Secretary General


Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,New Delhi. 110 027.
Telefax. 2510 5321; 6543 1807

President: K.P. Rajagopal. Secretary General: Ashok B Shalunke

F.2./H.1/2009 Dated: 7th July, 2010.

Shri. Kalyan Chand

Director General (Admn.)

Mayur Bhawan 5th Floor, R.No. 501

Cannaught Circus

New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir.

Sub: Departmental Examination 2010-.

This is with reference to the discussions we had with you on 30.06.2010 on the above subject. During the discussions, it was indicated that Departmental Examinations 2010 are to be held under the new pattern and the request for having the examination on both the pattern as was done last year may not be possible in the case of Inspectors and ITOs examination. We were in that context, asked to elucidate the alternative suggestion of granting exemption to those candidates who had passed certain papers under the old patterns and are to take up examination only in those papers which are not cleared. Our suggestion in the matter is as under:-

ITOs Examination

Those who are yet to clear the following The paper they should clear under

Papers in old patterns new patterns­­­_________________

1. IT Law-I & II Paper-I :- Income Tax Law and Other Taxes

2. Other Taxes Paper-III:- Allied Laws

3. Book Keeping Paper-II:- Advanced Accountancy

4. Office Procedure Office Procedure Paper of Inspectors Examination or a separate paper [objective] prepared separately for the purpose.

5. Examination of Accounts (Practical Test) The concerned CIT(Exam) may be asked to conduct this examination for the candidates who have not cleared this paper. No paper is required to be set up for this by the Directorate.

6. Hindi/Oral Test The CIT(Exam) in respective charge may be asked to take this examination locally. No paper need be set by the Directorate.

Inspectors Examination

1. IT Law-I & II IT Law and Computation

2. Book Keeping Book Keeping

3. Other Taxes Allied Taxes

4. Office Procedure Office Procedure

5. Examination of Accounts The CIT(Exam) in respective charge may be asked to take this examination locally. No paper need be set by the Directorate

6. Hindi Test

The CIT(Exam) in respective charge may be asked to take this examination locally. No paper need be set by the Directorate.

The candidates who are given exemption from writing the paper passed under the old scheme may have to pass the examination with minimum percentage of marks 50(45 in the case of SC/ST candidates) as was the case under the old scheme.

If our above proposal is agreed upon, there may not arise any requirement for conducting examination under the old pattern for ITOs and ITIs.

Ministerial Staff Examination

Under the old pattern there had been four papers which now form part of the two papers under the new patterns. Therefore it would be difficult to make out an alternative suggestions.. Therefore we suggest that the examination both under old and new pattern may be conducted this year.

If that be not the case then the alternative suggestion can only be the following

1) To split the Paper-I into two i.e.

a) Précis writing and drafting

b) Computer Basics

Computer Basics test be conducted only after imparting training especially when question are to be set in AST or ITD application. We therefore suggest that this being a practical

paper, the examination may be conducted locally by the CIT(Exam) after mounting a training programme of say a month or two. The candidates who are deployed for training will be subjected to the test at the conclusion of the training and failure therein will make them ineligible for promotion as they may not be declared to have passed/cleared the Ministerial Staff Examination. In that case those who have failed to clear Paper-I under old syllabus can be asked to take Paper-I under the new syllabus.

In the case of those who are to clear Service Rules (Paper – II) under old pattern and those who are to clear Office Procedure (Paper-III) under the old pattern may be asked to clear only that part in Paper-II under the new pattern which deals with the F.R, S.R and Taxation procedure etc. i.e. they may have to take up Part-A of Paper-II under the new scheme.

Those who have failed in Paper –IV may be asked to write Part-II of Paper-II under the new pattern. But with a condition that they have to secure 50% (45% in case of SC/ST candidates).

In respect of Hindi paper, the CIT(Exam) of each charge may be asked to conduct the said examination for those who has not qualified earlier under the old pattern.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Ashok Salunkhe

Secretary General

Photograph from Mumbai regarding 15th July Strike


Media Reports regarding 15th July Strike


Sahara Samay - Income Tax unions on strike today

Offended with the biased behaviour of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), over 50, 000 officers and employees have called a nationwide strike on Thursday.

They claim that the CBDT is behaving in a subjective manner.

They want their 12-point demands to be approved, which includes demands like laptops, reimbursement of mobile phone bills, computers for C-category employees,  promotion to the post of assistant commissioners, filling up vacant posts and expedite the proposals by cadre review committee.

The strike has been called by the joint council of action (JCA), Income Tax Employees Federation (ITEF) and Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association(ITGOA) to push for their 12-points demand.

The ITEF Chief  Ashok Kumar Kanojia told the reporters that the department employees are upset with the behaviour of the CBDT Chairman.

He further added that earlier, on the assurance of CBDT Chief they had ended their strike twice but nothing has been done as far as the 12-point demands are concerned.


I-T unions strike tomorrow


Mumbai, July 14 (PTI) Over 50,000 Income Tax Officers and staff across the country will observe a token strike tomorrow to press their demands, which include putting an end to outsourcing of departmental functions at the central processing centre (CPC) in Bangalore, among others. The strike is called by the joint council of action (JCA) which comprise the Income Tax Employees Federation (ITEF) and Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association (ITGOA) to press for their 12-point demands. "Despite repeated attempts, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) hasn't shown any seriousness in implementing any of our demands," ITGOA general secretary and JCA joint convenor Rajesh D Menon told PTI here today. "At our meeting with the CBDT chairman an agreement was reached that only the technical work will be outsourced and the work hitherto done by the employees will not be outsourced at the CPC. But against the agreement, now almost all the work is outsourced," Menon said. Of the total 600 people working in the CPC, only 32 are from the I-T department. As a result, over 80 per cent of the total 3.5 lakh returns processed at the CPC by private vendors have returned for rectification, he claimed. The JCA is also highlighting the delayed promotion to the post of assistant commissioners which is having a cascading effect on the lower levels, among others like reimbursement of mobile phone charges, filling up vacant posts and expedite the proposals by cadre review committee.



Wednesday, July 14, 2010 22:31 IST

Income Tax unions strike tomorrow

Mumbai: Over 50,000 Income Tax Officers and staff across the country will observe a token strike tomorrow to press their demands, which include putting an end to outsourcing of departmental functions at the central processing centre (CPC) in Bangalore, among others.

The strike is called by the joint council of action (JCA) which comprise the Income Tax Employees Federation (ITEF) and  Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association (ITGOA) to press for
their 12-point demands.

"Despite repeated attempts, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) hasn't shown any seriousness in implementing any of our demands," ITGOA general secretary and JCA joint
convenor Rajesh D Menon told PTI here today.

"At our meeting with the CBDT chairman an agreement was reached that only the technical work will be outsourced and the work hitherto done by the employees will not be outsourced
at the CPC. But against the agreement, now almost all the work is outsourced," Menon said.

Of the total 600 people working in the CPC, only 32 are from the I-T department. As a result, over 80 per cent of the total 3.5 lakh returns processed at the CPC by private vendors have returned for rectification, he claimed.

The JCA is also highlighting the delayed promotion to the post of assistant commissioners which is having a cascading effect on the lower levels, among others like reimbursement of mobile phone charges, filling up vacant posts and expedite the proposals by cadre review committee.

The Financial Express

Indian taxman goes on strike

New Delhi: Income tax officers and employees went on strike across the country to press for their demands, including promotions and better incentives, and threatened not to participate in raids.

As many as 50,000 officers and staff members struck work, claimed the Joint Council of Action (JCA), which gave the call.

JCA joint convenor Rajesh D Menon said the officers and other staff would boycott the raids conducted by the I-T Department from July 20 if their demands were not met.

The striking staff also protested against outsourcing of certain work in the department.

"Of the total 600 people working in the Central Processing Centre in Bangalore, only 32 are from the I-T Department," Menon said.


Hindu – Business Line

I-T staff to boycott search, seizure operations from July 20

Our Bureau Mumbai, July 15

The employees of the Income-Tax Department plan to boycott all search and seizure operations as well as survey operations from July 20 to secure their charter of demands, said Mr Ashok B. Salunkhe, All-India Secretary General of the Income Tax Employees Federation.

Over 50,000 employees and officers of the Income-Tax Department had gone on a one-day token strike on Thursday.

The strike was fully successful. Officers and employees across the country participated in the one-day token strike, affecting the operations of the Income-Tax Department, said Mr Salunkhe.

"We have been staging dharnas and protests from June 7. Today's strike is the culmination of the first phase of our protests. From July 20, we will start boycotting all search and seizure operations. If our demands are not met, we will even consider going on an indefinite strike," Mr Salunkhe said.

The two major employees associations, Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association (ITGOA) and Income Tax Employees Federation (ITEF), participated in the strike today.

The employees are protesting the large-scale outsourcing of operations in the Central Processing centre at Bangalore. According to them, almost 80 per cent of the work is outsourced to the private vendors. They allege that most of the work done by these vendors are error ridden which needs to be rectified by the employees.

They are also demanding the filling up of the vacant posts at Assistant Commissioner, Joint Commissioner and Additional Commissioner level. They are also seeking equal treatment for officers who are promoted from within the ranks and those recruited directly.

Of the 2,192 posts of Assistant Commissioners, almost 700 are vacant. Of the 1,300 posts of Joint and Additional Commissioners, 500 are lying vacant, said Mr Rajesh Menon, Joint convenor of ITEF and ITGOA.

Zee News

Over 50,000 I-T officers on token strike

Mumbai: Over 50,000 Income Tax Officers and staff across the country will observe a token strike Thursday to press their demands, which include putting an end to outsourcing of departmental functions at the central processing centre (CPC) in Bangalore, among others.

The strike is called by the joint council of action (JCA) which comprises the Income Tax Employees Federation (ITEF) and Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association (ITGOA) to press for their 12-point demands.

"Despite repeated attempts, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) hasn't shown any seriousness in implementing any of our demands," ITGOA general secretary and JCA joint convenor Rajesh D Menon said.

"At our meeting with the CBDT chairman an agreement was reached that only the technical work will be outsourced and the work hitherto done by the employees will not be outsourced at the CPC. But against the agreement, now almost all the work is outsourced," Menon said.

Of the total 600 people working in the CPC, only 32 are from the I-T department. As a result, over 80 per cent of the total 3.5 lakh returns processed at the CPC by private vendors have returned for rectification,he claimed.

The JCA is also highlighting the delayed promotion to the post of assistant commissioners which is having a cascading effect on the lower levels, among others like reimbursement of mobile phone charges, filling up vacant posts and expedite the proposals by cadre review committee.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Press Communique post strike action

(Income-tax Employees Federation & Income-tax Gazetted Officers Association)
Manishinath Bhavan, A2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi – 110 027
'०११ – २५१० ५३२४, ' ०९८६९४७७४०१ ' ०९८६९५०४६५३

Joint Convenors, 15th July 2010
Ashok B Salunkhe / Rajesh D Menon


More than 55000 Income Tax Employees and Officers who constitute about 97% of the total workforce abstained from work today i.e. 15/07/2010 was met with 100% success all over the country. The one day strike action was called in pursuance of the 12 point Charter of Demands which include outsourcing and contractorisation of departmental functions esepcially to oppose the outsourcing of returns at Central Processing Centre(CPC), Bangalore. This is in breach of the agreement entered into by the CBDT with the Staff Union. The other major issue concerning the Officers and employees of the department is the promotion to the post of Asst. Commissioner of Income Tax which is lingering for almost two years. These promotions will have a cascading effect upto the level of the employees also.
It is pertinent to mention here that on several occasions discussions were held with various authorities including the Chairman, CBDT to find a negotiated settlement of the demands. However, authorities have been adamant and totally unsympathetic towards our genuine and just demands, thus forcing the officers and staff to go on a token Strike Action.
Inspite of this Strike Action, if the issues are not settled immediately, the Joint Council of Action will be forced to embark upon total non-cooperation including boycotting the survey, search and seizure action and other areas of work.

Sd/ Sd/
(Ashok B Salunkhe) (Rajesh D Menon)

Joint Convenors - JCA

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Press Statement for 15/07/2010

(Income-tax Employees Federation & Income-tax Gazetted Officers Association)

Manishinath Bhavan, A2/95 Rajouri Garden,  New Delhi – 110 027

'011 – 2510 5324, ' 09869477401 ' 09869504653

Joint Convenors,                                                                                                                                           13th July 2010

Ashok B Salunkhe / Rajesh D Menon

The Promotee officers and Staff of the Income tax Department are on agitation from the 7th of June, 2010 in pursuance of the 12-point Charter of demands. As the Central Board of Direct Taxes has shown hardly any seriousness in bringing about a negotiated settlement on the demands the employees and officers are forced to go on a day's token Strike on the 15th of July, 2010.

One of the important issues agitating the employees and officers is the outsourcing of the departmental functions especially in the Central Processing Centre set up at Bangalore. The proposal of the CBDT to outsource the Data entry and processing of returns was opposed by the Central JCA. Subsequently, in the meeting with the Chairman, CBDT, agreement was reached that only work of technical nature will be outsourced and the work hitherto done by the employees will not be outsourced. However, going against this agreement the CBDT has now outsourced almost all the work in the Central Processing Centre.  At present out of the 600 persons working in the CPC only 32 persons are from Income Tax Department.  Of the more than 3.5 lakhs returns processed in the CPC by the private vendors more than 80% of the work requires rectification for which these returns have been sent back to the department. Now these mistakes will have to be set right by the employees.  According to our information even the  CCIT of Karnataka Circle had to suffer because of the mistake committed by these private vendors and got a demand notice instead of a refund. Moreover the information given in the returns which is supposed to be confidential can go in to the hands of outsiders who can make use of them in any way they like. While we are not opposed to setting up of the Central processing Centre, we want that the job pertaining to our officers and employees to remain with them.   The other major issue concerning the Officers and employees of the department is the promotion to the post of Asst. Commissioner of Income Tax which is lingering for almost two years.  These promotions will have a cascading effect upto the level of the employees also.

The other important  issues on which the strike action is called for are listed below:

1.  a. Reimburse Mobile phone charges to all employees in the department

b. Sanction Laptops to all Gaz. Officers including newly promoted ITOs, AO,PS / Sr. PS,  on non-returnable basis.

     c.  Provide Desktop computers to all Group C employees.

2. Publish Civil List without any further loss of time, on the lines it was issued till 2006. Publish seniority list of Group 'B' 'C' & 'D' employees as per Board's instructions on an annual basis.

3. Transfer DCIT / ACIT (who have completed 2 years cooling period and with spouse / medical / compassionate grounds, etc.).

4.  Fill up all vacant posts in the Department.

5.  Conduct DPC for ACIT for RY 2009-10 immediately and Start the work for RY2010-11, DPC for DCIT as on 01/01/2010 and DPC for Jt. CIT for IRS of 2000 & 2001 batch.

6. Resolve Pay Anomalies arising out of 6th CPC & Grant Grade pay of Rs.4,800/- to Private Secretaries and Administrative officers

7.  After 4 Years of service ITO, AO, PS & Sr. PS must be placed in PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400.

8.   Implement the cadre composition as suggested by ITEF based on 6th CPC report.

9.  Honour the agreement with JCA on the Departmental Exams.

10.Dispose of all vigilance cases pending beyond one year.

11. Expedite the proposals submitted by Cadre Review Committee in toto.

Sd/-                              Sd/-                   (Ashok B Salunkhe) (Rajesh D Menon).              Joint Convenors.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Placed here is Circular no. 30 of ITEF


Manishinath Bhawan,

A/2/95, Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi 110 027

Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593

Website: itef.blogspot.com.

Circular# 30

Dated Dated 8th July, 2010

Dear Comrade,

We send herewith Circular no. 13 and 14 of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers.

It has been decided by the Confederation alongwith the AIRF and AIDEF to hold a national convention on 16th July 2010 at Mavalankar Hall, Rafi Marg, New Delhi between 11.00 am and 4.00 p.m. All affiliates are also requested to invite the comrades who helped us to organize the strike action on 12th July 1960.

The Circle Secretaries are requested to get in touch with those comrades who were with us in our movement at that point of time and enquire whether they would be able to go to Delhi to take part in the convention. If they are able to do so, kindly book their flight tickets and ensure that they reach New Delhi on 15th. This apart, all Secretariate members of the ITEF(CHQ) and the Circle Secretaries of the ITEF Gr. C & D Circles of Delhi, Western UP, Eastern UP, Rajasthan, North West Region and M.P. may kindly participate in the convention at Delhi, being the neighbouring state. The list of comrades who would be participating in the convention may kindly be forwarded to the Secretary General by email/fax immediately on seeing this communication at our website. The CHQ Sectt. Members may also kindly inform the undersigned of their arrival plan at New Delhi. We propose to meet in the Secretariate on 16th evening at the convention venue to review the 15th July strike action and chalk out plans as to the future course of action for which the Central JCA has taken certain decisions.

We had a preliminary round of discussion with the Director (IT) in charge of Examinations. We have insisted upon the conduct of the Examinations for Inspectors and ITOs under the old scheme once again to enable the candidates to clear the papers which they could not pass. This facility if at all agreed upon would be available only for those who have two papers to clear. In the case of Ministerial Staff Exam, we have requested them to hold the Exam in this year under the old scheme only as we have suggested certain modifications for the new pattern. The ITEF representatives may be meeting the DG(Admn) on 13th to reach a finality.

With greetings, Yours fraternally,

Ashok B Salunkhe

Secretary General

Placed here is Circular no. 13 and 14 of the Confederation.

Circular No.13.



Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027

E mail: confederation06@yahoo.co.in



Dated: 17th June, 2010

Dear Comrades,

As you are aware,12th July 2010 would be the 50th year of the first industrial action of strike by the Central Government employees. To commemorate the five glorious days of 1960, which became an important milestone in the movement of the Central Government employees, the Confederation Sectt. has decided to call upon all its affiliates and COCs to organise the following programme. This is primarily meant to bring home to the mass of the present day employees the impact of the historic action in the lives and service conditions of civil servants and the general trade union movement in the country. The pamphlet sent along with this circular letter describes the sacrifices of the comrades, who organised the glorious strike action in 1960, the repressive measures unleashed by the then Government and the issues projected, which are of relevance even today. In the context of the new economic policies, the UPA II Government has decided to pursue with intensity and the resistance movement being organised by the entirety of the working class of the country and the impending strike action in September, 2010, it would be appropriate that we organise the programme on 12th July 2010 with dedication and determination. The pamphlet is prepared on the basis of the Note given and the discussion we had with our President, Com.Vyas, who played a sterling role in organising the strike in 1960. It must be our endeavour that the message reach the rank and file of our membership and the pamphlet is widely circulated.

The following programme will be organised by all affiliates and the State Committees on 12th July, 2010.

(i) The Confederation flag will be hoisted in front of all offices on 12th July, 2010 to be followed by paying homage to martyrs' column specially erected for this purpose.

(ii) The State Committees will organise meetings, seminars, or conventions; will invite the erstwhile leaders of the movement to speak as an educative campaign.

We have been informed by the National Federation of Postal employees that under the auspices of the Joint Council of Action, the postal workers would commence an indefinite strike from 13th July, 2010. The Income-tax Employees Federation along with the All India Income-tax Gazetted officers association has also decided to be on on a day's strike demanding the stoppage of outsourcing and contractorisation of various departmental function on 15th July, 2010. The Confederation and its affiliates will support these struggles and will organise solidarity actions to compel the concerned authorities to bring about a settlement on the demands raised by these employees. The State Committees will get in touch with the leaders of these two organisations and will provide necessary assistance and support to make their strike actions successful. In consultation with the National leadership of these two organisations, it has been decided that the State COCs will go in a procession to the Post Office (identified in consultation with the NFPE leaders) on 15th July, 2010 and hold demonstration to express solidarity and support to the striking workers. The ITEF comrades, who will be on strike on 15th will join the procession in large numbers.

The Govt. Of India has decided to contractorise all care taking functions in all departments and no recruitment is likely to be made in Group D cadres in future. A serious campaign against the informalisation of the regular functions should be undertaken by all the organisations. Let the proposed programme slated for 12th July, 2010 be the beginning of a long and sustained straggle against this atrocious decision of the Government.

The Central Trade Unions have decided to convene a National Convention at New Delhi on 15th July, 2010. The convention is expected to declare a day's strike in September 2010. The National Executive of the Confederation will meet on 16th July, 2010, for which notice is sent separately. The All India Audit and Accounts Association who recently organised a mass casual leave programme against the victimisation of the union functionaries informed the Confederation that the Audit bureaucracy has retaliated by issuing charge sheet under rule 14 to all those who participated in the mass casual leave programme. The Confederation has decided to face this challenge squarely. A detailed programme is being chalked out and the same will be conveyed in our next circular letter.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General.


All affiliates and State Committees of the Confederation and National Secretariat and National Executive Committee members.



Secretary General, Confederation of CGE and workers.

On 12th July, 2010, we will organise functions to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first industrial action of the Central Government employees in the post independent India. It was on 12th July, in 1960, the indefinite strike began on the call of the Joint Council of Action of all Federations, Associations and Unions of the Central Government employees. The trade union movement of the Civil servants was at a nascent stage when the strike was planned and finally executed, even though some of the Federations in the JCA had the great tradition of organising struggles including strike actions even against the colonial Government of Great Britain. In fact it was the strike of the Postal Workers in 1946, which compelled the then British Government to set up the first Central Pay Commission to revise the wages of the Civil Servants, whose real income had been eroded significantly in the war ravaged economy. It is a matter of pride and importance for all of us today to trace the causes and effects of the five glorious days of struggle of 1960 organised by the brave men and women who were central Government employees, who had to undergo tremendous trials, tribulations, agony and render sacrifices of immeasurable value.

The workers and employees under the Govt. Of India had been spread over various industrial and non industrial organisations and departments. The workers in the Railways, Defence and Post and Telegraph Departments were mostly industrial workers and were members of the all India Federations , AIRF, AIDEF and NFPTE respectively. The National Federation of Post and Telegraph employees were the biggest affiliate of the Confederation of Central Govt .employees and workers, which came into existence in 1956. The Confederation had affiliated the Federations, Associations and Unions of both industrial and non industrial workers. Besides NFPTE, the major organisations affiliated to the confederation were the organisations of the P&T Industrial employees, Survey of India, CPWD, Central Secretariat, Income tax, Civil Aviation, Printing and Stationery, Meteorological survey Ministerial and workshop employees, Malaria Institute employees, Indian School of Mines , Audit and Accounts employees , Geological Survey of India etc.

The Confederation raised the issue of grant of dearness allowance in the wake of the uncontrolled price rise of essential commodities which had eroded the real value of wages .In fact the grant of compensation to protect the real wages of the employees in the context of increasing cost of living was one of the recommendations of the First Central Pay Commission. As a corollary to the said demand, the Confederation asked the Government to set up the 2nd Central Pay Commission to revise the wages and determine the methodology of computing the dearness compensation and grant interim relief as the Commission so set up is likely to take time to finalise its recommendations. Since there had been no response from the Government, the Confederation served the strike notice in 1957. Sensing that the demand so raised by the Confederation had elicited the support of the workers the Government set up the 2nd CPC just a day prior to the commencement of the proposed strike action. The Commission so set up granted a paltry sum of Rs. 5/- as Interim relief within a month but took about two years to finalise its report.

Before the 2nd CPC, the employees' organisations, especially the Confederation demanded that the minimum wage in Central Services should not be less than what has been propounded by the 15th Indian Labour Conference, which was held at Shimla in the year 1957 with the participation of all stake holders, viz. The representatives of the Trade Unions, the employers' organisations and the Government. Basing on the formulations suggested by Dr. Aekhroyd, the minimum wage was computed at Rs. 125/- . On the specious ground that the Indian economy had no capacity to bear the additional financial burden that might arise on the acceptance of the demand, the Commission tinkered with the formula itself and quantified the minimum wage at Rs. 70/-on illogical and untenable grounds. This apart, the Commission went on to make recommendations which in effect were to withdraw the existing benefits and privileges, such as it recommended to reduce the number of holiday and casual leave, increased the working hours, revised the employees' contribution on allotment of Government accommodation and refused to recommend any scheme for grant of dearness allowance when the cost of living increases. While the Government acted upon these adverse recommendations, it dilly dallied to take a decision in the matter of even the meagre revision of wages.

The Government's attitude and the disappointing recommendations of the 2nd CPC jacked up the simmering discontent into spontaneous outbursts in the form of protest rallies and demonstrations throughout the country. The refusal of the Prime Minister to meet the Chairman of the Confederation, Com.Nath Pai, the then Member of Parliament even after indicating his willingness to grant an interview earlier, triggered a much stronger and united reaction from the employees. It reverberated amongst the rank and file of all the segments of the Central Government employees with the result, the leaders of the AIRF and AIDEF decided to join hands with the leaders of the Confederation to chalk out a common strategy and approach in the matter of the implementation of the 2nd CPC report. The INTUC affiliated Unions in Railways and Defence, viz,the NFIR and INDWF however remained aloof of these efforts, true to their close links with the ruling party, the Indian National Congress. The AIRF, AIDEF and the Confederation jointly convened a National Convention at Mumbai on 3rd April, 1960, which adopted a 6 point charter of demands and set up the Joint Council of Action to spearhead head the movement. The Convention gave a clarion call to all Central Government employees to unite and prepare for an indefinite strike action in case the Government refuses to settle the charter of demands, which included the following issues.

(i) Dearness allowance to be paid on the basis of the first CPC re commendation @Rs.5/- for every 20 point increase in the 12 monthly average of cost of living index 1947=100 as per the recommendations of the First CPC.

(ii) Minimum wage should be based on the norms prescribed by the 15th ILC

(iii) To set up a standing board consisting of equal representatives from employees' federations and officers of various departments (govt. Nominees) with a neutral Chairman to settle all disputes/claims of any category of employees.

(iv) No curtailment of any existing facilities, rights and privileges

(v) To set up an Arbitration Board and recognise only one union in one industry

(vi) To withdraw the provisions of summary dismissal and punitive actions.

The JCA decided to elicit the opinion of the mass of the employees through a ballot on the proposed strike action. It received overwhelming response from the common multitude of the employees in as much as 90% of the Railwaymen, Defence Workers and P&T employees voted in favour of the strike. The employees of all other organisations, which were affiliated to the Confederation in toto favoured the strike decision. The INTUC affiliated organisations in the Railways and Defence, the NFIR and INDWF which were boasting to represent 70% of the workers of these two Departments, had to eat the humble pie when the strike ballot decisions were announced. It became clear that the workers would even desert their parent organisations in order to join the strike for they resented the Government's untenable stand on issues and the unsolicited support extended by the leaders of the INTUC affiliated Federations to the Govt. Emboldened by the overwhelming support of the workers manifested in the strike ballot verdict, the JCA decided to go ahead with the strike preparation and set up a high powered strike committee consisting of the following leaders;

Peter Alvares: General Secretary, AIRF as the Convenor

S.M.Joshi, President, AIDEF as the Chairman

P.S.R. Anjaneyalu, . Secretary General, NFPTE ,and D.S. Rajarathinam, Secretary General, Confederation and General Secretary, Incometax Federation as members.

The Government however, stiffened its stand in the face of this development by stating that the recommendations of the CPC are to be treated as an 'award' and therefore, the Government would not like to have any negotiations in the matter with the employees' representatives. Government made it clear that they would go ahead with the implementation of the recommendations of the CPC without making any alteration, howsoever warranted it might be. It was pointed out that the stand of the Government is untenable in as much as the Government has not treated the recommendations of various commissions it had set up in the past as awards and especially in the background of a strike notice, the government was duty bound to negotiate and discuss under section 10 of the ID Act or refer the dispute to the National Tribunal under Section 22. Against the unrelenting position taken by the Government the JCA intensified its campaign and the strike became imminent and inevitable. The Government's attitude came in sharp criticism from various quarters, compelling some leading political personalities like Feroze Gandhi (son-in-law of the Prime Minister), R.K. Khadilkar, Ashok Mehta and many others intervening, which resulted in a meeting with the Labour Minister. To ensure that the negotiations to be successful, the JCA agreed to water down its demand for full neutralisation to 50% if the Govt. Is prepared to refer the issue to an arbitrator. Ostensibly to favour the INTUC organisations, the Government insisted upon the unconditional withdrawal of the strike as a pre-condition for any discussion and settlement. The ill advised strategy adopted by the Government left the JCA with no alternative to serving the strike notice. On 21st June, 1960, the notice for the indefinite strike was served indicating that the strike would commence from the midnight of 11th July. i.e. from 12th July, 1960 onwards. The Government responded by instructing the Army and Police Personnel to deal with the situation as violation of law and order. In a meeting of the Party workers, the Prime Minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru asked them to arouse the public opinion against the strike and asserted that his Government would deal with the strike with firmness and strength. It was unfortunate that an erudite and progressive leader like Nehru whose sterling role in Indian Independence movement had endeared him as the closest friend of the working people responded in such a high handed manner to a simple dispute between the Government as an employer and the employees. In a broadcast to the Nation, the Prime Minister went to the extent of describing the strike as a "civil rebellion" required to be put down at all cost and by all means. The subsequent repressive measures unleashed proved how assertive he was. A simple industrial dispute was thus politicised dividing the polity sharply in favour of and against the strike. While the AITUC, HMS and UTUC, the central Trade Unions in the country then, came forward to unequivocally support the strike and set up committees to help and assist the striking workers, the INTUC with its affiliates, NFIR and INDWF did everything to prevent the workers from participating in the strike. Government took unprecedented and stringent measures to suppress the strike. It promulgated the Essential Services Maintenance ordinance and brought all Government departments under its purview and prohibited strike in Government services. On 9th July, 1960 it further issued an executive fiat under the Armed Forces Emergency Duty Act, 1947, specifying that the P & T, Railways, Aircrafts, Ports, Mints and Security Press are vital organs of the community. The large majority of the workers and employees became determined to participate in the strike.

On 11th July, 1960, the leaders of the JCA and thousands of activists throughout the country were arrested and imprisoned. Summary trials were held at the Prison premises. The arrested employees were convicted to rigorous imprisonment extending to period exceeding one and half years. The Government's propaganda machinery, the All India Radio went full blast spreading falsehood about the strike thereby creating an atmosphere of panic. Despite all these, the strike did commence on 12th July at the appointed time and large section of the employees and workers participated in the strike. It was total in the Survey of India, followed by the Audit and Accounts Departrment, Civil Aviation, Post and Telegraph, CPWD, Income tax, Railways, Defence and many other Central Government Departments. The Government unleashed a reign of terror; arresting the leaders and common employees; raiding the Government colonies; compelling the employees to report to duty; detaining those who do not abide; caning and lathi-charging the workers who were demonstrating peacefully before the offices. At Dahod Police resorted to shooting and gunned down five Railway workers. In the face of the unprecedented repression and state terror, the strike continued for five glorious days. To withstand the armed might and state sponsored brutal terror became impossible for the unarmed civilian workers. On the appeal made by Shri Ashok Mehta, the strike was finally called off on 16th July, 1960. Even as per the Government's own admission, more than 500,000 workers were on strike throughout the five days. On 12th July, the strike elicited the participation of more than 12,00,000 workers and employees, i.e. about 56% of the total Government employees participated in the strike action on the first day.

During the five glorious days of strike, 5 comrades were shot dead, another 9 persons lost their life.; 17,780 workers were arrested, 27,000 were suspended, 6000 employees, who had not been conferred with the permanent status were terminated; and another 6000 were dismissed following imprisonment under ESMO and other disciplinary proceedings. The Government's vindictive actions went on unabated. Recognition of 85 Associations, Federations, and Unions were withdrawn. The conduct rules were amended to debar the employees from becoming members of the unrecognised unions; demonstration and any other protest actions were prohibited; for continuing to be the members of the unions whose recognition was withdrawn, many employees were charge-sheeted.

Against the palpably illegal and atrocious decision to amend the conduct rules, Com.E.X. Joseph, Gl. Secretary All India Audit and Accounts Employees Association filed a petition before the Mumbai High Court. The Court struck down Rule 4B of the Conduct rules as violative of Art. 19(1) of the Constitution. This crucial judgement, which became a milestone in the service conditions of the Government employees, especially in the matter of the inalienable right to form associations/unions came as a great relief for all unions and frustrated the Government's notorious plan to wean away the employees from the militant trade unions into the pliable and ruling party sponsored unions of INTUC. The judgement gave a sense of confidence to both the leaders and the rank and file of the workers to fight back the offensive. It was in the background of the confusion created by the amendment to the Conduct rules, the INTUC made its attempt to form a union in the Post and Telegraph Department. Intensive tours were undertaken by the INTUC leaders to woo the victimised employees promising vacation of the vindictive and punitive action on becoming members. It is to the credit of the common P&T workers that they treated these attempts with the contempt it deserves.

Ultimately the Government admitted that the Nation suffered irretrievable loss in as much as 17.6 lakh man-days were lost; 14 persons lost their life; the financial loss was estimated at more than two crores; irreparable damage to the morale of the employees; unfathomable loss of the fair image of the Government itself. In reply to a query put to the then Cabinet Secretary as to what would have been the cost of an agreement on DA in comparison to the losses sustained by the Govt., his audacious reply was "who cares for the loss in Govt."

Obviously there had been no instantaneous settlement of the demands raised in the strike charter, as the strike had to be unconditionally withdrawn in the face of the state sponsored terror. A sense of frustration and anger must have come about in the psyche of the common employees and the grass root level leadership then. But the fact is that the 1960 strike did bring about tremendous attitudinal change in the polity. More and more people began to talk of the necessity of fixing a minimum wage for the workers. The 15th ILC norms got wider coverage and became an important factor in the wage negotiations. Later the Government and the employers had to recognise the need for full neutralisation of the cost of living in the form of DA. Cost indexed wage revision became the order of the day. The debate in the Parliament reflected more and more concern towards workers and the Government which employed the highest degree of repression got isolated and discredited in the eyes of the common people. The icons of Independence struggles tumbled down. Government had to restore the privileges and rights of the employees. It also had to recognise the need for a negotiating machinery to avert the strike and the JCM came into being as a result. The INTUC organisations also had to abandon their approach on worker related issues as in many subsequent struggles, they had to perforce align with the other trade unions in the country. The Government's attitude of treating the Pay Commission's recommendations as "award" had to be changed. The recommendations of the subsequent Pay Commissions were subjected to discussion with the representatives of the Federations and modified. The demand raised by the workers in 1960 to set up a standing board to settle disputes in which the representatives of the Federations could be nominated was conceded in as much as the National and Departmental Anomaly Committees that came into existence after the negotiations on the 5th CPC recommendations did have the representatives of both official and staff side.

The role, prestige and status of Trade Unions in Indian polity became more pronounced after the 1960 strike. It brought about a meaningful change in the industrial relationship as conciliation and negotiations became an integral and unavoidable factor in the dispute redressal mechanism. Let the immortal legacy of the 1960 strike inspire us for it has shown that the indomitable spirit, sense of sacrifice and constant efforts to unite the class moulds the militant and real union.

Red salute to all those comrades who by their supreme sense of sacrifice and militancy wrote the revolutionary saga of the glorious strike of 1960.

(prepared basing on the Notes given and discussion held

with Com.S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and workers.)