Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dear Comrades,

Placed hereunder is the copy of the Strike Notice served on the Chairman, CBDT under the auspices of the Joint Council of Action duly signed by the Joint Convenors, Com. Rajesh Menon and Com. Ashok B. Salunkhe. Please serve the copy of the Notice jointly signed by the State Joint Convenors on the respective CCIT.

With Greetings,
Yours fraternally

Ashok B Salunkhe
Secretary General


Income tax Employees Federation

Income tax Gazetted Officers Association

Manishinath Building, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110027

Tel: 2510 5324 Telefax: 2513 1593

Joint Convenors,

Ashok B Salunkhe / Rajesh Menon

No. Dated: 20th August, 2010


The Chairman

Central Board of Direct Taxes,

North Block, New Delhi – 110 001

Dear Sir,

Notice is hereby given that members of the Income Tax Employees Federation and Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association under the banner of Joint Council of Action, will go on one day's strike on 7th September, 2010.

The charter of demands in pursuance of which the employees will embark upon the said one day strike action is enclosed herewith. A copy of the strike notice dated 13th August, 2010 addressed to the Cabinet Secretary, Rashtrapathi Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi – 110001 by the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers is also enclosed, for your reference and records.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Ashok B Salunkhe / Rajesh D Menon

Joint Convenors - JCA

Encl: Charter of Demands.

Charter of Demands.

1. Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal PDS and containing speculation in commodity market.

2. Concrete proactive measures to be taken for linkage of employment protection in the recession stricken sectors with the stimulate package being offered to the concerned entrepreneurs and for augmenting public investment in infrastructure.

3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.

4. Steps to be taken for removal of all restrictive provisions based on poverty line in respect of eligibility of converge of the schemes under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008 and creation of National Fund for the Unorganized Sector to provide for a National Floor Level Social Security to all unorganized Sector workers including the contract/casual workers in line with the recommendation of National Commission on Enterprises in Unorganized Sector and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.

5. Disinvestment of shares of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is not resorted to for meeting budgetary deficit and instead their growing reserve and surplus is used for expansion and modernization purpose and also for revival of sick Public Sector Undertakings.

6. Fill up all vacant posts and lift the ban on recruitment.

7 Stop outsourcing/contractorisation of Governmental functions

8. Regularise all daily rated workers/employees/;Grameen Dak Sewaks and remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments; end the discrimination in the bonus ceiling of GDS employees.

9. Withdraw PFRDA bill and extend the statutory defined benefit pension scheme to all Government employees

10. Guarantee right to strike as a fundamental right of employees.



Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden

New Delhi. 110 027

E mail:

Phone: 011 2510 5324

Fax: 011 2510 5324

Mobile: 98110 48303


Dated: 13th August, 2010


The Cabinet Secretary

Rashtrapathy Bhawan Annexe

New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,

This is to give notice that the employees who are members of the affiliates of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers will go on one day's strike on 7th September, 2010. The charter demands in pursuance of which the employees will embark upon the one day strike action is enclosed.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Circular No 33


Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,New Delhi. 110 027. email:

Telefax. 2510 5321; 6543 1807

President: K.P. Rajagopal.                  Secretary General: Ashok B Shalunke


  Dated: 17th August, 2010.


Dear Comrade,

Secretariate meeting and decisions


The Secretariate of the ITEF met on 12/08/2010 at New Delhi.  The decisions taken at the meeting are given hereunder :

1)      It discussed the discussions held with the Chairman, CBDT and other officials on 04/08/2010 and the decisions taken by the JCA to await the official minutes.  The meeting noted that on quite a number of issues, the Board has taken a positive attitude.  The official minutes received by fax was placed before the meeting.  The Secretariate noted that the following follow-up action would be needed.

(a)     To approach the Board to take expeditious action needed to operationalise the mobile phone facility for which approval have been given by the Finance Minister.

(b)   The Examination issues having been settled satisfactorily, it is to be ensured that the Directorate issues orders without further delay.

(c)    The DI(HRD) issues a Recruitment Rule for MTS (Multi Tasking Staff) so that the existing vacancies can be filled up.

(d)   Instructions are issued by the Board to the CCITs to publish the seniority list by 30th November, 2010.

(e)    The ITEF seeks a meeting with the Member(Personnel) in the matters concerning the deployment of staff at CPC, Bangalore. 

(f)     When the DPC for ACIT are finalized and the promotions effected it should be ensured that the CBDT writes to all CCITS to effect consequential promotions in the grade of Inspectors and below.

(g)    ITEF will get in touch with the leaders of ITGOA to have a Central JCA meeting to consider the minutes and take appropriate decisions.


The Secretariate authorized the Secretary General and the President to take appropriate view in the meeting of Central JCA.   All the Circle General Secretaries are requested to download the copy of minutes from  and have their views elicited before the proposed Central JCA meeting slated for 26th August, 2010.


2)      The Secretariate considered the decision taken by the Confederation to organize a days strike on 7th September 2010 alongwith the working class in the country.  It was decided to endorse the strike call unanimously and to ensure that cent  percent of ITEF members do participate in the Strike Action as was the case in the past especially on 20/08/2008.  The Secretary General was asked to get in touch with Com. Rajesh Menon to explore the possibilities of the Officers joining the Strike in the light of the correspondence the Secretary General of the Confederation had with him.

The Secertariate decided to serve the Strike Notice as per the directive of the Confederation on the 10 point Charter of Demands.  The Circle General Secretaries will be asked to submit the copy of the Strike Notice(for information) to the concerned CCIT(CCA) latest by 23rd August 2010.  The Secretariate also decided to request the Circle General Secretaries to campaign amongst the employees to popularize the 10 point Charter of Demands and to elicit their participation in the Strike Action.  The Circle General Secretaries are also requested to deploy the requisite number of delegates to the conventions and rallies organized by the respective State Committees of the Confederation.  The campaign material on the demands is being placed on the Confederation website ( .  The Central Trade Union alongwith other independent Federations will be organizing Central rallies on 06/09/2010.  ITEF members may be requested to support such rallies.


3)      The Secretariate requested the Gujarat Circle to take necessary organizational decisions to host the next All India Conference.  The possibility will be explored to hold the next CWC meeting in Mumbai.


4)      The Secretary General was requested to take up the following issues with the Board.

(a)    to ensure that the DG(Inv.) Bhopal relieve the Inspectors who are under orders of Transfer

(b)   the depleted strength of Inspectors in the office of the DG(Inv.) Bhopal

The Central JCA is scheduled to meet on 26th August 2010 at New Delhi to take appropriate decisions on the ongoing agitation.  A meeting has been fixed with the Member(P) on 31st August 2010 to discuss the ITEF proposal on CPC functioning.  The decision taken by the Board on Examination matters has been decided to be placed on the departmental website by the Directorate.  The request of the ITEF to permit candidates who had exhausted 10 chances and crossed the age limit is being considered by the Board separately.


                        With Greetings,

                                                                                                            Yours fraternally


                                                                                                            Ashok B. Salunkhe

                                                                                                            Secretary General

Thursday, August 5, 2010

JCA Circular

J O I N T    C O U N C I L    O F    A C T I O N

Income tax Employees Federation

Income tax Gazetted Officers Association

Manishinath Building, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110027

Website: Itef: ; Itgoa:

E mail; ITEF:;

ITGOA: e mail:





Dated: 05.08.2010



Dear Comrades,



            The representatives of two Federations met the Chairman and other Board officials on 04.08.2010 and discussed the 12 point Charter of demands, once again. Official minutes of the same is awaited.


Thereafter, the JCA held a meeting and has unanimously decided to continue with the ongoing agitation program, for keeping up the pressure on the Board to concede to our just demands and all the Units are requested to implement the agitation program with full vigour and enthusiasm, until further communication.


Long Live I.T.E.F ;  Long Live I.T.G.O.A  ;  Long Live J.C.A



Yours comradely,


                                                                                                                                        Sd/                Sd/

Ashok Salunkhe / Rajesh Menon

Joint Convenors

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Secretariat Meeting Notice


Manishinath Bhawan,  A/2/95, Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi 110 027

Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593

e-mail : Mobile 98110 48303





Dated 04.08.2010


            Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Secretariat of the ITEF, CHQ will be held on 12th August, 2010 at Manishi Nath Bhawan, A-2/95, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, at 11.00AM to discuss the following agenda.




1.       Outcome of the meeting with the Chairman, CBDT on 4th Aug. 2010 on the Charter of demand and future course of action.

2.      Nationwide Strike by Trade Unions on 7th Sept. 2010 and preparation and campaign for the same

3.      Any other matter with the permission of the Chair. 


Ashok B. Salunkhe,

Secretary General. 


All CHQ. Secretariat Members.

Members of Advisory committee, Chairman Disciplinary committee, Chairman Election  Commission.

General Secretaries and Presidents of ITEF, Delhi and Rajasthan Circles, with a request to attend the Sect. Meeting.