Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Circular No.38


Manishinath Bhawan,

A/2/95, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 110 027

Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593

Mobile 98110 48303

e-mail :



Itef/38/2010                                                                                                                                    Dated: 02.10.2010



Dear Comrades,


            Hope you would have already gone through the Circular No. 37 dated 02.10.2010 wherein we have communicated the discussions and decisions of the Secretariat meeting held on 2nd October, 2010.


            The Secretariat approved the statements showing the dues on account of Renewal Fees, Aayakar and Donation to be collected from the Inspectors at the rate of  Rs 500/-.  It was also decided  to request all the circles to remit the dues immediately to augment the financial position of the CHQ as also to undertake the urgently required repair works of the Building, as approved by the Working Committee.  The Said statements are enclosed herewith.  All the Circle General Secretaries are requested to  expedite the payment of the dues indicated against the circle at the earliest possible time.


            Further, the Bengal Circle of ITEF Group C & D is hosting the next Working Committee Meeting at Kolkata from 19th to 21st November, 2010 for which notice has already been issued.  There will be an open session on 19th November, 2010 at 2 PM which will be inaugurated by the Finance Minister of Govt. of West Bengal and Shri S.S.N.Moorthy, Chairman, CBDT will be the guest of honour.  To commemorate this occasion the Host Unit is bringing out a souvenir.  They have already sent you the Advertisement Tarrifs.  The Secretariat in its  meeting held on 2.10.2010 has approved a minimum target for collection of Advertisement by each circle. The same is enclosed herewith.  We request you to kindly bestow your sincere efforts to achieve this target and send the Advertisements directly to the ITEF Bengal Circle.


            Since the Inaugural session of the WC Meeting is being addressed by the State Finance Minister, as also by the Chairman, CBDT, the session will  start at 2PM sharp.  All the WC members are requested to plan their itinerary in order to reach Kolkata well before the time.  Your travel programme, No. of WC member etc. may kindly be intimated to the ITEF Bengal Circles.


            With Greetings,

Yours fraternally,


Ashok B. Salunkhe

Secretary General

Renewal fees due

Aayakar Bills and Payment details

ITI Donation Due





























































Monday, October 4, 2010

circular 37


Manishinath Bhawan,

A/2/95, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 110 027

Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593

Mobile 98110 48303

e-mail :



Itef/37/2010                                                                                                                                    Dated: 02.10.2010


Dear Comrade,


The Secretariat of the Federation met as schedule on 2nd October, 2010. We give hereunder a brief resume of the discussions on each agenda items

Agenda No.1 : Review of ITEF participation in the General Strike action on 7th September,2010.

It was noted by the house that despite some difficulties the strike could be organised admirably well by all Circles except Delhi Circles. It was noted that the Delhi Circle leadership did not take any steps to implement the strike action.

The Secretariat decided to congratulate the Circle leadership and through them the members of the ITEF for creditable achievement of organising two successive one day strike action within a short period of two months.

The Secretariat noted that the efforts of the Circle leadership were praiseworthy in as much as they could tide over successfully the difficulties emanated from the sudden withdrawal of the strike decision by the ITGOA.

Reviewing the difficulties encountered by certain Circles like Kerala, Gujrath and Tamilnadu it was decided that as and  when industrial action like strike to be organised it must be preceded by campaign programme to reach out each and every members. The house also decided that in future the National leadership must visit all Circles Headquarters and the Circle leadership should ensure that they tour all branch stations. Had this exercise been undertaken the non participation of few members on account of certain perceived grievances could have been avoided.

The house also decided to convey to all concerned that a general strike provides an opportunity to strengthen the organisation as every struggle is a step in ascendancy.

Commenting on the submission made by many members that the non participation of other Central Govt. organisations causes difficulties it was concluded by the house that the efforts must be undertaken by the Circle leadership to enlist the participation of other Central Govt. Employees in such general strike action as was done by the postal and audit employees in the past.

Agenda No. 2 :   Review of functioning of JCA in the light of the withdrawal of ITGOA for the Strike    Action

The Secretary General detailed the deliberation at the Central JCA meeting held on 26th August, 2010 and 31st August, 2010. He conveyed to the house that on both the occasion the decisions were taken in a unanimous manner. On 26th August, 2010 the Central JCA decided to continue with the ongoing programme of action of non participation in search, seizure and survey operation. On 31st August, 2010 every issues in the charter of demand was subjected to discussion with the Member (P). The evaluation of the outcome of the discussion was done thereafter by the leaders of the two Federations in a joint meeting. As a sequel of that evaluation it was decided again unanimously to call off the agitation.

The Secretary General informed the house that the delay in serving of the strike notice on the Chairman, CBDT was because of the fact that he had to await for the outcome of the consultation the Secretary General of ITGOA had to embark upon prior to deciding upon the Strike notice under the banner of JCA.

Though the decision of the ITGOA to withdraw the strike call on 3rd September, 2010 had created a great adverse impact on the functioning of the JCA the house decided that the efforts must be undertaken by the ITEF to rejuvenate the JCA as there is no substitute to united action.

The house therefore decided that all efforts must be undertaken to

a)       Remove the misunderstanding that has crept in by sustained efforts.

b)       To take steps with the help of senior comrades to ensure the continued participation of Delhi Circles in all common struggles as had been the case before.

c)       The ITEF Gujrath Circle will propose the steps to be taken to arrest the anti union activities of certain individual members.

Agenda No. 3 : Organisational Review

The election related matters concerning ITEF, A.P Circle, Group-D and the complaint received thereon were discussed. It was informed that by the Secretariat members from Andhra Pradesh that the elected office bearers of ITEF, AP Circle Group-D has been allowed to function by the CCIT, Hyderabad. It was informed by the Secretary General that he had sought certain clarification from the ITEF Group D Circle A.P. which has remained unresponded till date. The Sectt. decided to request Com. Subba Reddy to take up the matter with the ITEF Group D Circle and get the response expedited to enable the Sectt. to resolve the issue.

In respect of ITEF Group- D Western UP, the house noted that the tenure of the present office bearers expired long back. The house therefore requested Com. C.M. Badola to suggest appropriate action as per the provision of the Constitution to hold election in that Circle.

The house decided to hold a meeting of the representatives of the Group-D Circles including the Circle General secretaries of the composite circles on the eve of the Central Working Committee meeting to arrive at consensus on the future organisational set up of existing Group D Circles and the issues and problems relating to erstwhile Group-D employees.

The house  also decided to convene the Central Working Committee meeting on and from 19th to 21st November, 2010 at Kolkata. (copy of notice is enclosed)

Agenda No. 4 : The Charter of demands steps to be taken in relation thereof

1.       CPC & Outsourcing:- It was noted that discussion on the issue have been inconclusive on 31.08.2010. In the meantime it was reported by the Karnataka Circle that the efforts are on unveil to physically lift the returns from Mangalore & Mysore charges to the CPC, Bangalore. In the light of this development the ITEF, CHQ has demanded for an immediate meeting to discuss the suggestion made by the ITEF and reach a settlement. It has also demanded to maintain the status quo at Bangalore.

2.       Contractorisation of Group-D function:- The Secretary General has informed the house that the Recruitment Rule for Multi Tasking Staff(MTS) with the nomenclature as "Office Assistant" has been sent to Law Ministry for vetting. As & when the rules are notified the recruitment to fill up the existing vacancies will be taken up.

3.       Mobile Reimbursement:- It was reported by the Secretary General that the ITEF has nominated Com. President to be the member of the  Committee set up by the Board to decide upon modalities of distribution of the sanctioned  mobile and landline phones. It is expected that mobile phone facilities would be operationalised by first week of November, 2010.

4.       Cadre Composition :- On 29.09.2010 the DG(HRD) held a meeting with the representative of ITEF and certain conclusion has been arrived at. Further discussion are expected to take place to finalise the proposal by the end of October, 2010.

5.       Departmental Examination:- The proposal to permit the candidates who have exhausted 10 chances and crossed the age of 55 years is still pending decision. The ITEF, CHQ has demanded a meeting with the Member(P) to bring about the settlement. The meeting is expected to take place in the next week.

6.       Cadre Review:- The proposal has gone to the Department of Expenditure for their concurrence after obtaining  approval of the Revenue Secretary.

7.       Stepping up of pay:- The ITEF representatives discuss the matter with the DG(HRD) and also with the Chairman, CBDT to convey the resentment of the employees over the inordinate delay in settling the pressing issue. Assurances were held out to settle this issues within a fortnight time. The Secretariat has decided to call upon the Circle General Secretaries to organise Lunch hour demonstration in front of the offices of all CCsIT on 20.10.2010 and sent the following FAX message to the DGIT(HRD) in Fax No.011-26130581/26130599


Agenda No. 5 : Financial Position of the ITEF and related issues.

The statement showing dues on various accounts by each Circle was circulated. It was decided that the Circles should remit the dues immediately so as to enable the CHQ to undertake urgently needed repairs to the buildings.

Agenda No. 6:- Any other matter with permission of chair

Various issues were raised and replied.


With Greetings,

Yours fraternally,


Ashok B. Salunkhe

Secretary General






Saturday, October 2, 2010

CWC Meeting Notice


Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95, Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi 110 027

Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593

e-mail : Mobile 98110 48303



Dated :2nd October , 2010.

Notice is hereby given for the meeting of the Central Working Committee of the ITEF from 19th November, 2010 to the 21st November, 2010 at KOLKATA, to discuss the following agenda. The meeting will commence at 10.00 A.M on 19th November 2010 and will continue till 5.00 P.M on 21st November, 2010. (Exact venue of the meeting and other details will be intimated by the ITEF Bengal Circle, Group-C & ITEF, Bengal Circle, Group-D separately).


1. Confirmation of minutes of the CWC meeting held at New Delhi on 13th March, 2010.

2. Review of strike of 15.07.2010 and 07.09.2010.

3. Organizational issues with particular reference to the joint functioning of two Federation under the banner of JCA.

4. Our proposal on Cadre Composition submitted on March, 2010 & its progress thereon.

5. Reporting of the outcome of the meeting with regard to organizational structure of the existing Gr. D. Circles and the issues and demands of the Group-D employees.

6. Cadre Review proposal and its present status

7. Financial position of the ITEF, CHQ and related issues.

8. Any other matter with permission of the chair.

Ashok B. Salunkhe,

Secretary General.


All The CHQ Secretariat members, the Circle General Secretaries, Circle Presidents (as observers), Members of Advisory Committee, Chairman Disciplinary Committee and the Chairman Election Commission.

All the nominated Women CWC members through the Circle General Secretaries.

The Circle General Secretaries are requested to restrict the delegation only to the Circle General Secretaries and Presidents & the nominated women members. Due to reasons beyond the control of the Host unit, no other observer will be allowed. For communication of your itinerary, please contact Com. Rupak Sarkar, Finance Secretary (Mobile No. 094322 09596, Com. Ujjal Hore, Asstt. Secretary, CHQ.(Mobile No. 094334 89795) and Sumit Bose Circle General Secretary, ITEF, Bengal Circle, Group-C ( Mobile No. 098308 97908)Com. Tapan Kr. Giri, General Secretary, ITEF Bengal Gr.D(Mob.No. 09674372655) Com.ManmohanNaik,Asst.Secretary,ITEF(Mob.No.09433605467)

Note: 1. A Meeting to discuss the issues related to the erstwhile Group D (Present MTS) cadres as also the organizational set-up of the ITEF Group D Circles in the wake of upgradation of Gr. D. Employees as Group C. will be held on 19th Nov. 2010 at 5.ooPM. All the Circle General Secretaries and Presidents of the Gr. D. Circles and either President or General Secretary of the composite Circles are requested to attend the meting without fail.

2. All the CWC members are requested to reach Kolkata on the 19th morning itself to enable the host unit to begin the inaugural session at the appointed time.