Monday, February 28, 2011

Press Statement

Chq: Manishinath Bhawan
A2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 100 027.

E mail.

Dated. 28.02.2011


The Union budget 2011 presented by the Finance Minister today in the Parliament must be very disappointing for the common man for there is no proposal to combat the ever increasing inflation in the economy. The subsidies all on  fuel, fertiliser and food has been reduced by all most 20,000 crores compared to what was provided in the last fiscal. While there is a reduction of Rs 11500 crores in Direct Taxes the resource mobilization has been made through an increase of a similar amount in indirect taxes the objective seems to be to rob the poor to pay  the rich. 5 lakh crores of rupees is stated to be the revenue foregone in 2010-11 of which a whoping sum of Rs. 88000 crores is the concessions given to the Corporate Sector.The budget provision for agriculture development is also less than what it was earlier, indicative of an insensitiveness to the agonies of people below the poverty line.


            The expectation of the middle class  that the personal income taxation limit will be raised  to Rs. 2 lakhs has been belied. The meager increase of Rs. 20,000 would not even be sufficient to maintain the real value level of non taxable limit of 2010-11.The announcement on direct tax concession is followed by the statement of an increased outsourcing of the Governmental functions to private corporate houses like Infosys. The eulogy for the CPC set up by the I.T. Department at Bangalore in the Budget speech of the Finance Minister is designed to seek the approval of the house for such vehicles out outsourcing elsewhere in the country.  The Finance Minister has also announced that further financial sector reforms is also on the anvil. Therefore, contrary to the comments made by certain sections of the media this budget is right on the track of reforms enunciated by the Dr. Manmohan Singh two decades ago.


            Since the huge demonstration and rally of workers traversed through the streets of Delhi on 23rd   Feb.  2011 has not created any impact on the thinking of this Government, as is evidenced by this budget it is incumbent upon the trade union movement to strengthen its opposition towards the neo liberal economic policies by waging sustained and united struggles.

KKN Kutty

Secretary General

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

presidents message on the Eve of Federation Day

President's Message on the eve of Federation Day

Dear Comrades,

It is customary for the President to pen a few lines on the eve of the founding day of the ITEF. When we salute the flag on 10th February 2011, which would be unfurled in front of our offices throughout the length and breadth of the country, we remember the stupendous efforts, the immense sacrifices and the untold agonies, our comrades had to make and udergo to buildup a militant, united and strong trade union   movement of Tax Employees. I consider it as a proud privilege conferred upon me to convey the fraternal greetings to all members on this great occasion -  on the eve of the 59th anniversary of ITEF

            The catastrophic global financial crisis that engulfed the Capitalist world due to its pursuit of profit by any means created shock ways in all Governments which had adopted the neo liberal economy agenda for governance. Most of these Governments deemed it their duty to bail them out.    No different was the  response of Dr. Manmohan Singh Government. The Crisis did not bring about any rethinking on the advisability of pursuing the anti- people policies but unfortunately led much more aggressive pursuance of the  same agenda. India and other developing countries were targeted to be the partners of the capitalist world in this endeavour of resurrection.  

            This is what we witnessed this year-  our country becoming more and more subservient to the US strategies, be it in the political or economic front.  We saw  further de-regulation of the financial sector; privatization of pension schemes; setting up of micro financial  institutions to deny banking credit facilities to the priority sector so that institutional finance will become the sole prerogatives of big corporate houses; dismantling of the administrative price mechanism of the petroleum products ; opening the retail market for multinational corporations; permission to indulge in speculative forward trading in more and more essential food articles etc. which could not be done by the UPA-I Government as it could not bring about the necessary legislative measures in the Parliament for want of support of the Left.     These are the unambiguous sign of an extreme rightward  shift in the policies of the present day Government which still makes socialist  pretensions and utterances.


            There had been no let up in the escalation of the prices of food articles. Inflation is no more considered as a phenomenon; but certainly believed to be consciously engineered by those in government with the real intent to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich in the society; to amass profit for the corporate trading houses.. Despite th e tall claim of having the fastest growing economy we carry today the largest number of hungry people in the world.  The country is beset with rising  unemployment, fast declining quality of employment and  contractual employment with no job security.

At no point of time in our post-independent history we have witnessed so brazen violation of labour related rules and regulation. The state machinery, be at the provincial or at the central level have become the  security guards of the  capitalist class. At the behest of the big corporate houses, the Government has now proposed to bring in an enactment in the next session of the Parliament to exempt all establishments employing upto 40 workers  from the purview of the existing basic labour laws.


            It is  in the background of this scenario one has to look at the corruption galore that   now become pervasive in all segments of governance. Be it the IPL scam, Adarsh housing Society, Commonwealth Games, Land Scam  of Karnataka or the great 2G spectrum, all were with the involvement and patronization of the  mighty in the Government of the country The rampant corruption, subservient economy corrupt   politicians weak institutions, pursuit for profit are the hall marks of a degenerated civil society, which can sustain only a pervert democratic system, where rich becomes the  opinion makers and power-brokers and common people and working class marginalized.  Concerted, continuous and sustained struggle unitedly by the working class and other marginalized  section of the society can only reverse these pernicious penetration of the imperialist hegemony in our polity


            While we can be proud of the involvement of our rank and file membership in the common movement of the working class especially of the struggles organized in the last two decades against the economic policies of the Government of India,  we have to be on constant vigil for maintaining it in the days to come. The ITEF leadership has taken up the challenges against outsourcing and have taken the bold stand that even with depleted workforce, we can avoid the entry of contract labour in our department.  To make that endeavour successful , we must have  committed, dedicated leadership.. We are confident that we shall succeed and shall be able to bring about career advancement to our members..

This issue of our journal will reach you at a very crucial time,  when the entire working class in the country despite political and ideological differences will unitedly organize the workers March to Parliament on 23rd Feb. 2011.   It will be the most tumultuous and magnificent rally of the workers the country's capital will witness on that day.  It is not only our bounden duty to ensure that the ITEF comrades constitute the largest component of the Central Govt employees under the banner of the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers but also help other organizations and their members to reach and participate and make the contingent of the Central Govt. employees significant in that great rally.


Long live ITEF

With greetings


1st February.2011


KP Rajagopal
