Saturday, May 9, 2009

Circular No.7 dated 9th May 2009


Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95, Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi 110 027

                                  Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593

e-mail : Website:


Dated: 9th May, 2009

Dear Comrades,

Sect. Meeting on 04.05.2009 and decisions

            The meeting commenced by observing two minutes silence to condole the demise of Com. Somen Gupta and Com. Tejan Roy.

            The meeting was held at Manishi Nath Bhawan on 4th May, 2009. This was the first meeting of the Sectt. After the Conference. The following comrades could not attend the meeting due to reasons beyond their control.

i) Com.  P.K.Vasudeva (Vice President); ii) Com. K.Babu Thomas (Asstt. Secretary) and iii) Com. Mukteswar Prasad (Zonal Secretary-East).

Com. Umesh Mehta and Com. KKN Kutty, members of the Advisory Committee were present as also Com. P.V.Ramachandran, Chief Election Commissioner.  Com. V.S.R .Krishna, Chairman, Disciplinary Committee, also could not attend the meeting.  Com. K.P. Raj Gopal, President chaired the meeting. The decisions taken agenda wise are given hereunder.

            Agenda item No. I. The draft report of the Cadre Review had not been finalized by the DI( HRD).  It is expected by 10th of May 2009.  The Sectt. After discussion decided to set up a Sub- committee to go into the report and formulate views for circulation among the Circle General Secretaries, as another meeting of the Sectt. in such a short notice was considered infeasible.  The Sub-committee will have the following members.

            i)          Com.K.K.N.Kutty, Convenor

ii)                   Com. K.P. Raj Gopal, President.

iii)                 Com. Hari Om, Vice President,

iv)                 Com. Ashok B. Salunkhe, Secretary General,

v)                  Com. Amitava Dey, Addl. Secretary,

vi)                 Com. Yeshwant Purohit, Joint Secretary,

vii)               Com. Rupak Sarkar, Finance Secretary,

The Sub-Committee will meet immediately on receipt of the draft report from the DI(HRD) for consultation and formulation of views.   Simultaneously the report will be sent to all Circle Gl Secys. through e-mail.  The Circle Gl. Secretaries will convene  a Circle Executive/working committee  meeting and discuss the report in the light of the views formulated by the CHQ. Sectt. The CWC of the ITEF will meet at Daman (U.T.) on 18th and 19th June 2009 for which notice is separately issued and copy enclosed.  ITEF Daman Unit of Gujarat Circle will convey the details of arrangements made by them to hold the meeting.  Due to summer vacation, there is likely to be difficulty in getting accommodation for onward and return journey.  The nearest Railway Station to Daman is VAPI.  Some of the trains may not halt at Vapi.  In that case you may kindly book ticket to Baroda, Surat or Mumbai.  Vapi is just three and half hrs. journey from Mumbai and about two-and half hrs. from Baroda and about an hour from Surat.


            Agenda item No. 2. Since no settlement has been brought about on the issues which were specifically discussed at the Conference despite two rounds of meeting with the Board, the secretariat took the following decisions.

a)                  to hold a massive demonstration on 10.6.2009 in front of all CCIT & CIT Officers with the full participation of each and every member during lunch recess.

b)                  To organize a Campaign programme thereafter throughout the country;

c)                  To explore the possibility of organizing a day's strike to press the demands at the CWC Meeting.

The Sectt. decided to project the following issues apart from the issues adopted in the Conference,  through the stated agitational programme.

1.                  Reduction of pass percentage in the Departmental Examinations.

2.                  The issue of regularization of casual labours

3.                  Contractorisation of  Departmental functions.

Agenda Item No. 3. (Any other matter): The following items were discussed.

i)                    Nomination of Assistant Secretaries.  The Sect. after discussion decided to defer the same till the next Sect. meeting.

ii)                   Pending Disciplinary cases: The Chairman, Disciplinary Committee is to be requested to dispose of the disciplinary case of Gujrath Circle within a period of 3 months.

iii)                 It was decided to request the Circle General Secretaries to send the name and addresses along with Telephone numbers of Circle Election Officers to the Chief Election Commissioner.


            With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


 (Ashok B Salunkhe)

Secretary General.

Copy of notice for the Secretaiat meeting.


Dated 9th May, 2009.

                                    Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Secretariat of the ITEF, CHQ will be held on 18th June , 2009 at 10.30 AM at DAMAN (U.T.) Gujarat Circle, to discuss the following agenda. 


            1.  Discussion on report of the Cadre Review Committee.

            2.  To chalk out campaign programme to mobilize the members and popularize the

     demands finalized in the Conference.

3.  Any other organisational matters.


Ashok B. Salunkhe,

Secretary General. 

Copy of notice for the Central Working Committee meeting.


Dated :9th May , 2009.

            Notice is hereby given for an emergent meeting of the Central Working Committee of the ITEF on 18th and 19th  June 2009 at DAMAN (Union Territory) of Gujrath Circle,  to discuss the following agenda.  The meeting will commence at 2 PM on 18th June 2009 and will continue till 5PM on 19th June 2009. (exact Venue of the meeting  and  other details will be intimated by the Gujrat Circlde).



            1.  Confirmation of minutes of the CWC meeting held at Mumbai on 9th February, 2009.

            2.  Discussion on report of the Cadre Review Committee.

            3.  Discussion on filling up of 10% posts of ITOs from amongst the Senior Inspectors

     who have not qualified in the departmental examination.[ as per Conference decision]

4.  To consider agitational programme on Pay Commission related issues, departmental

     demands, utilization of infrastructure fund as per the decision of the Conference.

5.  Any other matter with permission of the chair.


Ashok B. Salunkhe,

Secretary General.

All CWC members and the members of the CHQ Secretariat, the Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents (as observers), Members of Advisory Committee, Chairman Disciplinary Committee and  Chairman Election Commission.

All the nominated Women  CWC members through the Circle General Secretaries.

The Circle General Secretaries are requested to restrict the delegation only to the Circle Gl. Secretary and President & the nominated woman members. Due to reasons beyond the control of the Host unit, no other observer will be allowed.  For communication of your itinerary, please contact Com. K.R.Jadeja, Zonal Secretary (west)(Mobile No. 09879988188)  and Com. K. Madhusudan, Gl. Secretary, Gujarat Circle.(Mobile No. 09909990393)