Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,New Delhi. 110 027. email:
Telefax. 2510 5321; 6543 1807
President: K.P. Rajagopal. Secretary General: Ashok B Shalunke.
Dated: 14th August, 2009
Dear Comrades,
Reproduced hereunder is the letter, the Central JCA has written to the Chairman, CBDT which is self explanatory. The programme slated for 18th August, 2009 is decided to be carried out under the auspices of the Joint Council of Action. Kindly get in touch with the State General Secretaries of ITGOA and ensure that the walk out is fully participated by all the members of ITEF and ITGOA.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Ashok Salunkhe
Secretary General.
Copy of the JCA's letter to Chairman, CBDT,
Ref : JCA/CHQ/09-10/1 14th August, 2009
The Chairman
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North Block,
Central Secretariat,
New Delhi – 100 001
Dear Sir,
We solicit your kind reference to the discussion the representatives of this Federation had with you on 22nd July, 2009. As per the decision taken at the said meeting we met the DG(Admn) to discuss the new pattern of examination on 23rd July, 2009. We had detailed our objections to the New Rules with reasoning to the DG(Admn). Except on the question of eligibility criterion, this Federation had not expressed any substantive reservation on the 2004 Rules which were promulgated by the Board on the recommendation of Shri Prabhu Committee. We are not in a position to comprehend or appreciate as to why the Directorate wanted to substantially change the 2004 rules. We had followed up our discussion with the DG(Admn) with a letter, a copy of which is enclosed for your ready reference. None of the objections we had raised with the DG has been addressed. This apart, he has given a peculiar definition for the term partially qualified. According to the notification dated 05-08-2009 which is stated to have the Board's approval, partially qualified are those who have cleared two out of the 4 basic papers. We do not understand as to why the Directorate has to take such a mean and untenable stand in these matters. During the discussion, you had taken the stand that addressing the concerns of the candidates articulated by the ITEF is within the province of the DG(Admn) and the Board would not like to intervene in the matter, whereas the DG intimates us that what is conveyed in the latest notification is with the Board's approval. In these circumstances, we are constrained to believe that the Board has no intention to address to the genuine concern and difficulties of the employees/candidates.
The unreasonable stand of the Directorate in the matter of negative marking and repetition of papers in Inspectors/Income-tax Officers examination and objective type questions etc remains unchanged.
Further, with regard to the Grade Pay of AOs/PSs & Inspectors, placing the Group D employees in higher grade pay of Rs. 1800 after the requisite training and in the matter of utilization of 1% incentive, no concrete action has been taken so far in spite of the repeated assurances by the Board. .
Since our reasoned arguments and patient presentation of our grievances has been allowed to be bounced against the rock like unreasonable stand of the Directorate, we are constrained to advise our members to tread the path of agitation to make the Board and Directorate to see reason. The members of the JCA will accordingly Walk Out on 18th August, 2009 from 12 Noon to press for the settlement of the following Charter of demands given below. The JCA has also decided to hold demonstration as and when the Chairman/Member of the CBDT visit any Income-tax office in the country as part of the agitational programme.
1. Deptl. Examination-2009 to be conducted accepting our demands communicated vide ITEF letter dated 25th July, 2009 addressed to the DG(Admn).
2. Grade pay of Rs. 4600/- as per Government of India notification to Inspectors, Private Secretaries and Administrative officers and Rs.1800/-to all Group D employees; Implement the clarification with respect to Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- to ITOs after 4 years w.e.f. 01/01/2006.
3. Out of 1% incremental incentive :
a. Reimburse Mobile phone charges to all employees in the department;
b. Sanction Laptops to all Gazetted Officers including AO, PS/Sr.PS, on non-returnable basis.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Ashok B. Salunkhe Rajesh D.Menon
Jt. Convenors