Manishinath Bhawan,
A/2/95, Rajouri Garden,
Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593
e-mail :
Dated:3rd April 2009
Dear comrade,
We send herewith the copy of the confederation circular letter in D-11/30/2009 dated 2nd April 2009, which is self explanatory. Kindly do the needful.
On 19th March, we lost our veteran leader, Com. Soman Gupta, who was once the Joint Secretary of ITEF CHQ and President of ITEF West Bengal Group D Circle for decades and till his retirement. On the same day we also lost the young Comrade Tejan Roy, President of ITEF NE Circle, Guwahati. Com. Tejan Roy died at Appollo hospital, Chennai. We convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved members of the family of these Comrades. We request our Circles to organize condolence meetings in memory of these two Comrades. Copy of our condolence resolution is attached.
With greetings
Yours fraternally
Ashok B Salunkhe
Com. Somen Gupta
On 19th March, 2009, at a Private Nursing homes at Baranagar in West Bengal Com. Somen Gupta breathed his last. Com. Some Gupta was once the Joint Secretary of the Income tax Employees Federation. He was 77 at the time of his death.
Com. Somen Gupta was born in the Village of Haripur in Nadia District of West Bengal. His father Late Sishir Kumar Gupta was an employee of the Income tax Department. He had his early education in Bangabashi School and Surendra Nath College. During his college days he was associated with the student movement and was a renowned leader of the BPSF ie. The Bangiya Pradheshik Student Federation. He took the law degree from the Calcutta University. Immediately after his graduation, Com Gupta joined the Income tax Department as an LDC in the year 1952. Bengal Income tax Association better known as BITA during those days was a formidable and vibrant organizations of the tax employees of West Bengal. Under the leadership of Com. N.N. Ghosh and Com. Pushpendu Sen among others, it was but natural for comrade Gupta to join the Association and be an active worker. Being a powerful orator and a militant organizer, Com. Gupta became a leader in no time. He was elected as an Assistant Secretary of the Association quite earlier in his career and not only became the leader of the tax employees but also of the entire Central Government employees of Calcutta. He was also elected as the Assistant Secretary of the CGCC of Calcutta and had been the acting Secretary of that organization for some time.
Com. Somen Gupta was the President of the Bengal Group D employees Association for decades and continued in that position till his retirement from the Department on superannuation in 1990.
Com. Somen Gupta played a very vital role in organizing the historic indefinite strike action in 1960 in West Bengal. He was victimized for his role in leading the movement. In the one day strike action of the Central Government employees on 19th September, 1968 his contribution was immense. His dedication, sincerity, determination and courage require emulation. He sacrificed his official career to be active in the movement. He was uncompromising on principle and that has often led to his victimization. He had to face suspension and even dismissal from service. In his death the ITEF and the Central Government employees have lost a veteran leader.
We salute him and convey our heartfelt condolences to his bereaved wife and daughter. We solemnly dip our flag and banner in memory of this courageous and veteran leader of our movement.
Com. Tejen Roy.
The Income Tax Employees Federation sorrowfully coveys the sudden and untimely demise of Com. Tejen Roy, Circle President, ITEF , NE Circle, on Thursday, the 19th March, 2009 at 8.35 A.M at the Apollo Hospital Chennai
Com. Tejen Roy was born on 01.03.1951 in Barpeta Road, Assam. He joined the Income Tax Department on 05.07.1972 as an LDC in Dibrugarh. Subsequently he was transferred to Shillong in the year 1974 and to Guwahati in the year 1984. Since joining he has been active worker of the ITEF. He had been one of the prominent leaders who organized the tax employees of North Eastern Region and to make their cent per cent participation in the historic strike of 1974. Com. Roy held many important positions in the ITEF, N.E. Circle. He was the Asstt. Secretary, Vice president and President of ITEF NE Circle. At the time of his untimely demise he was the President of the ITEF, N.E. Circle, elected in the year 2005 at the Circle conference.
Com. Tejen Roy is survived by his mother, wife and one daughter.
Com. Tejen Roy' demise is a great loss not only to the ITEF, NE Circle but also to the co-ordination comittee of the Central Government employees in North Eastern Region as he had been in the forefront of all struggles of the Central Government employees.
Com. Tejen Roy's abilities and astute leadership are hard to match and he leaves behind an enormous vacuum. He has left behind indelible memories for his colleagues and comrades to inspire them and to guide them in the task of building up a militant and united movement.
The Income Tax Employees' Federation dips its banner and flag as a mark of respect to his memory and conveys the heartfelt condolences of the income tax employees throughout the country to the bereaved members of his family.