Monday, November 29, 2010

Circular No.10


        Manishinath Bhawan A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,New Delhi. 110 027. email:

Telefax. 2510 5321; 6543 1807


President: K.P. Rajagopal.                           Secretary General: Ashok B Shalunke

No. itef/40/2010

                                                                                                            Dated: 24.11.2010

Dear Comrade.

CWC Meeting and decisions


The Central Working Committee meeting was held at Kolkata as per the notice issued.  The hall and  manch where the meeting was held were named as Com. Somen Gupta hall and Com. Amirchand Ram manch in memory of the two veteran comrades who had made immense contribution in the building up of ITEF.  The inaugural session was held at the aesthetically decorated lawns of Aayakar Bhawan on 19th.  The CWC meeting was inaugurated by Honourable Minister, Com. Manabendra Mukherjee, Govt. of West Bengal.  The session was addressed among others, the Chief Commissioner of Incometax, (CCA)West Bengal, Shri Gautham Chaudhary, Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of CGE and workers, Com;Pijush Roy, General Secretary, co-ordination Committee of Central Govt. Employees Associations and federations, West Bengal.  On behalf of the Reception Committee, Com. Tarun Dutta, welcomed the delegates and guests and Com. Sumit Bose, Joint Convenor, Preparatory Committee, proposed vote of thanks.  Shri S.S.N. Murthy, Chairman, CBDT, who had consented to be the guest of honour and address the delegates however, could not come due to some judicial proceedings.  The inaugural session was attended by more than one thousand comrades belonging to ITEF Group C & D Circles West Bengal.  The entire Secretariat of the ITGOA West Bengal Circle attended the inaugural session, besides the invites veteran comrades The ITEF West Bengal Circles have made excellent arrangements for the conduct of the CWC meeting, which fact was noted and reciprocated by almost all CWC members who participated in the discussions at the business session.  The Secretariat which met on 20th placed on record the sincere efforts made by the West Bengal Circles in making the stay of the C WC members very comfortable and in eliciting the participation of the rank and file of the membership at the inaugural session.


The business session was held on 20th and 21st November, 2010. Com. K.P. Rajagopal, President ITEF chaired the session.  Com. K.K.N. Kutty and Com. Umesh Mehta Advisors and Com. P.V. Ramachandran, Chief Election Commissioner, ITEF were present on the diaz.  We give hereunder the decisions taken after deliberation on various agenda items. Prior to the CWC the Sectt. Of the ITEF met at the same venue at 10.00AM.  The CWC meeting had the presence of all members, except the representatives from the following Circles. 

1.      ITEF Group C and D Circles, North West Region.

2.      ITEF Group C & D Circles , Eastern U.P. Lucknow.

3.      ITEF Group C Circle New Delhi.

Of the nominated Lady Comrades to the Working Committee, the following only  attended the meeting

1.      Com. Geetha Goshal. From West Bengal Circle

2.      Com. Usha from A.P. Circle.         

Item No.1: Confirmation of Minutes of the  last CWC held at New Delhi on 13.3.2010.

The minutes circulated amongst the members was unanimously passed after incorporating the omission pointed out by Com. A.V.Seshadri.


Item No. 2: Review of One day strikes on 15.7.2010 and 7.11.2010.

Initiating the discussion, the Secretary General stated briefly the reasons for organizing the strike  actions on 15.7.2010 and 7.11.2010.  He said that the  former one was forced by the Central Board of Direct Taxes which dilly dallied the settlement of the 12 point Charter of Demand submitted to it in the year 2008 by the JCA. and the latter to abide by the call given by the Confederation of CGEs to join the resistance movement of the entire trade unions in the country against the neo-liberal economic policies  and the attack unleashed by the Government against the working  people especially in the form of unbearable burden of price rise. .  He informed the house that the strike called by the JCA on 15.7.2010 was total in all the places and the same forced the CBDT to call for further dialogue and  settling the pending issues like mobile connectivity, Promotion to the Cadre of ACsIT, conducting the DPC for the post of JCsIT, resolving the pay anomally between the Direct Recruits and Promotees etc.  He then narrated the problems faced  by various  Circles of ITEF in organizing the strike action on 7th Septembefr, 2010. due to the sudden   withdrawal of ITGOA from the strike action after serving the strike notice jointly.  He congratulated the leaders of the Circles and Branches  and members of the ITEF for making the 7th September, Strike a grand success  despite the  not so impressive performance of the other sections of the Central Govt. employees organization barring of course a few like the Ground Water Board employees and the Botanical Survey of India.


            While participating in the discussion the CWC members thanked the CHQ for settling some of the long pending demands, including the new mobile connectivity scheme.  All the members participated in the discussion, however, regretted the stand taken by the Delhi Circles with regard to the strike action of 7.11.2010 and wanted a resolution to be passed to convey the feelings of the house and appeal the leadership of  Delhi Circles to help the CHQ to maintain the  unity and strength of the ITEF in future programmes of actions..  On  the conclusion of the discussion, the house adopted a resolution to congratulate the entire membership of ITEF for the exemplary performance on both the occasions and to appeal to the leaders of  Delhi Circles to endeavour in the days to come to strengthen the ITEF. Almost all CWC members participated in the discussions. We have appended the names of the comrades who participated in the deliberations of various agenda at the end of this letter. 


Item No.3. Organisational matters with regard to functioning of the JCA.  The members who participated in the discussion on the agenda were critical of the  attitude of the ITGOA and their sudden and unilateral withdrawal of the strike notice served on the authorities jointly by both the organizations.  The members complained that some of the members of the ITGOA had taken pains to inform even the ITEF members of the withdrawal of the strike creating confusion with the result that the Circle leaders had to get in touch with all branches once again of the necessity of participating and organizing the strike on 7th. While appreciating the necessity of the Joint Council of Action and the assiduous efforts made by the erstwhile leadership of the two organizations in the past in building up the joint movement, which had immensely benefited everybody, they were of the opinion that in the circumstances, further joint functioning should be only after a proper review of what has happened on 7th September, 2010. In the light of the discussions, the house unanimously decided that:

(i) every effort should be made to strengthen the JCA;

(ii) to undertake a campaign to remove the misgivings that has pervaded in the minds of the employees, especially after the 7th Sept. Strike;

(iii) to bring home the point that the common struggle along with other sections of the working class is inevitable and is in the interest of everybody and will provide strength to the movement;

(iv) to undertake an appropriate review discussion preferably by convening a joint Working Committee/Managing committee meetings of the two organizations.


Item No.4. Cadre Composition after the VI-CPC implementation.  The SG informed the house that the Cadre Composition as approved by the last working committee Meeting was submitted to the authorities and two rounds of discussions have taken place with the DG (HRD).  Since more details and  discussions are required, the matter is yet to be finalized.


Item No. 5. Out come of the discussions with the Group D circles.  The SG reported that the following proposals were finalized after detailed discussions with the Office Bearers of the Gr. D and  composite circles. 


  1. In the back ground of the Govt.'s  decision to remove the Group D cadre and upgrade them to Group C, it will not be viable to continue separate organizations for Group D. therefore, the existing Group D circles can at the most continue upto the next conference of the ITEF.  In the meantime the Group D circles may try to merge with the Group-C circles.
  2. To demand through the JCM to seek amendments to the present stipulation of Matricualate as the  minimum academic qualification   for recruitment of MTS atelast in the case of Farsah, Mali, Watchmen etc.  .
  3. To pursue the demand placed before the Board for Evaluation of requirement of the caretaking staff and recruiting the required number. 


The house accepted the proposals.


Item No. 5: Cadre Review proposal.  The house was informed that the Cadre review proposal of the Department has been approved by the Secretary (Revenue) and  had been forwarded to the IFU for their comments..


Item No. 6: Organisational Review. The AP Circles Gr. D. and Gr. C. wanted the progress on the issue raised in the last WC meeting regarding the actions of the Disciplinary Committee Chairman.  Gujrath Circle, demanded action against the two comrades  for anti union activities, as suggested by them. Orissa and Bihar and Karnataka Circles pointed out the absence of an Office bearer in the CHQ.

            The House was informed that the Secretariat will reconstitute the Disciplinary Committee within a period of two months.  Show cause notice will be issued to the erring members in Gujrath and appropriate action will be taken after that.  Since immediate repair works are to be carried  out in the Manishinath Bhawan which may take approximately three months,  from April, 2011 either the Secy, General or Addl. Secretary will be on foreign service.


Item No. 7: Financial position of the CHQ: The S G requested the circles to remit the dues on account of Renewal Fees and Aayakar as per the statements already circulated.  Regarding the non-remittance of the donation for Building repair, it was reported  that only a few circles have remitted the funds.  Since immediate major repair works are to be carried out on the CHQ Building, he requested all circles to remit the amounts immediately.  He also replied that the mistakes and errors on calculation of dues on account of renewal fee and Aayakar would be corrected and corrected version will be circulated soon.


Item. No. 8: Any other matter with the permission of the chair. :Various points were raised. By  the members.   Some of the important issues raised were


1.                   Functioning of the Zonal Accounts Offices.  It was pointed out that nothing works in the ZAO Offices without consideration.  Even retirement benefits are either delayed or denied on flimsy grounds.

2.                   Denial of Financial benefit on promotion to the Post of Office Suspdt. And Stgr. G.II

3.                   Denial of advance increment on passing ITI Exam to Sr. TAs and Stgrs.

4.                   Pay protection on Intercharge transfer on reversion

5.                   Provision of Mobile handsets as part of celebration of 150 years  of IT in India.

6.                   Removing 5% ceiling and three year period of compassionate ground appointment.


The AP Circle –C and NE Circles offered to host the next working Committee Meeting at Hyderabad and Shillong respectively.


The following comrades participated in the discussions.  The list of comrades who attended the CWC meeting is annexed to this separately.

Comrades: B. Subba Reddy &  Usha (AP-C),  Venkata Suresh (AP-Gr.D), Barun Goshar (Bengal-C), Tapan Giri and Manmohan Nayak (WB-D), Mukteswar Prasad Singh (Bihar-C), B.S.Jha (Bihar-D), Chandan Singh (Delhi-D), K.Madhusudan (Gujrath), Com. Vinod & Nagesh (Karnataka & Goa) Com. Babu Thomas (Kerala), Yeshwant Purohit (MP &CG) Ravi Nair (Mumbai-C), Santosh Schinde (Mumbai-D), D.P.Acharya (Orissa), Sharad More (Pune), S.P.Sharma (Rajasthan-C), A.V. Seshadri (Tamilnadu). Nathuram Meena (Raj.-D) Ram Avtar (Kanpur), B.N.Chikatte (Vidharba-C), Sunil Bhulgonkar (Vidharba-D), Amitava Dey (NE Region).

The house was informed that a suitable resolution will be passed on the functioning of the ZAO and forwarded to the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, CBDT and the Department will be requested  to ensure proper functioning of the ZAOs.  On the basis of  issues mentioned above and several other issues  and points raised  by the members, a charter of  demand will be drawn on and will be circulated soon and the same will be taken up with the appropriate authorities.


Issues raised in the CWC and to be taken up with the concerned authorities:


Departmental issues:


1.       To demand equal distribution of vacancies among Administrative-field formation and Directorates (Wing and Central)

2.       To demand "Mobile Hand Set" as token gift on the occasion of "150 years of Income Tax" celebration.

3.       Advance increment to Sr. TA and Stgr.II on passing Deptl. Exam for Inspectors.

4.       Sufficient allocation of funds for Medical, Travelling and Conveyances allowances.

5.       Allocation of Funds for Mobile reimbursement for 15 numbers per range from 01.04.2010.

6.       To demand Regional recruitment & postings for Direct Recruitment posts.

7.       Financial benefit on promotion to the Cadres of Office Supt. And Stgr. Gr.I.

8.       Departmental examination to be conducted during June-July every year.

9.       Functioning of Local Placement Committee- Transfers to be made on the basis of guidelines framed in the JCM Meetings/Discussion with the Federation.

10.   Accommodating personnel promoted as OS and Stgr. In the same station since no financial benefit is allowed on such promotions.

11.   To include Staff also for incentives/rewards inistituted for celeberation of "150 years of Income Tax"

12.   To restore Special Pay provisions in the areas where it was available.

13.   To demand formation of Committee to look into the Charge sheet filed by the CBI as in the case of Group A Officers.

14.   To demand that the Zonal Accounts Offices be manned by Income Tax Department in the true sense of departmentalization of accounting system.


Common Demands. (To be taken up through Confederation and JCM National Council.)


1.                   To demand for VIII Standard Edu. Qualification to recruitment to the post of Ferash, Mali, Chowkidar and sweeper.

2.                   To demand issuance of clarification as has been agreed in the matter of MACP.

3.                   To demand removal of Conditions such as 3 year limit and 5% quota ceiling for Compassionate Appointment.

4.                   To increase the GPF interest rate.

5.                   To demand Educational Allowance to any two Children.

6.                   To demand Study leave for Group C employees also.

7.                   To increase the OTA alalowance for Staff Car Drivers.

8.                   To demand provision for appointment of spouses of medically unfit employees.


            Com. Amitave Dey, Addl. Secretary proposed the vote of thanks and meeting concluded at 2.00PM.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,



(Ashok B Salunkhe)

Secretary General,