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President’s Message on the 60th year of Income Tax Employees federation
On 10th Feb 2012, we will enter our 60th year of successful functioning. In Indian culture 60th year is considered an important one. Whatever be its cultural significance, it is no doubt a great event in the history of individuals and institutions. It must be an occasion to remember the sacrifice of those comrades who facing all odds made ITEF to exist and bring it as a mighty and united organization of tax employees. We will salute our flag on 10th February 2012 and will organize functions in front of all offices, as we have done in all these years on this day to renew our promise to strive our best to make ITEF stronger and more united. This year we will also jointly resolve to fight against the economic policies of Government of India that have made the life of the working people in the country miserable. We shall serve the notice to join the General Strike that is being organized jointly by the Indian working class on 28th February 2012 against the neo-liberal economic policies. I convey my fraternal greetings to all of you on this occasion.
Despite the bailout packages, the capitalist economies of most of the western country are presently on the verge of collapse. The crisis has brought about eventful political changes. Since the diagnosis of the crises was flawed the impact has refused to be diminished . The UPA II Govt. however wanted to intensity the reforms despite the bitter experience elsewhere. The last session of Parliament was virtually a non-business session, for the Government wanted the FDI in retail deregulation of banking and insurance sector; open up with the pension fund for speculation; enact the PFRDA Bill and bring labour reforms. The entire working class in the country has realized the danger and has decided to resist the reform process with utmost unity and determination irrespective of the ideological differences and political affiliations. All the Central Trade Unions, including INTUC and BMS have joined together and all independent Federations have endorsed the one day General Strike on 28th February 2012. We normally ensure cent percent participation of tax employees in the General Strike actions. We must overcome the difficulties, which surfaced on the last occasion and ensure our track record intact.
Let us on this day resolve to make 28th February 2012, eventful and historic in its letter and spirit.
With greetings
Yours fraternally