Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95, Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi 110 027
Telephone No : 2510 5324 Telefax 2513 1593
Mobile 98110 48303
e-mail :
Dated: 5.08.2008
Dear Comrade,
Sub; Departmental Examination 2008
The Directorate has announced the schedule for departmental Examination 2008. The Ministerial Examination commences on 19th September, 2008 and ends on 24th September, 2008. The Inspectors and Income tax Officers Examinations will be from 25th September, 2008 to 6th October, 2008. The detailed schedule is as under:
The Examinations are under the old syllabus and the eligibility condition is as decided in the last year examination. This is indicative of the fact that the candidates who had already availed ten chances and crossed the age limit of 55 may not be able to take up the examination this year also. The Board had promised us last year that they would give this relaxation this year. It seems that the assurance held out by the Board has not been conveyed to the Directorate. We shall take this matter with the Chairman in the formal meeting scheduled to take place on 7th August, 2008. The concerned candidates may be informed accordingly.
The Circle General Secretaries are requested to intimate the CHQ the probable number of candidates who would be able to take up the Examination if such relaxation is given in their charge. This will help us to negotiate the issue fruitfully.
The ITEF has served the notice for the strike on 20th August, 2008. Kindly see the write up. You may utilize the same for the campaign programme. Please ensure that proper intimation is given to all the CCITs (CCA) and to all the heads of offices by the Circles and Branches respectively.
The CHQ Secretariat is scheduled to meet on 8th after noon preceded by the Central JCA meeting. We shall convey you the decision of the two meeting by 10th through the Website.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
| Ministerial Staff |
| ITOs | ITIs |
19.9.08 | Paper I. 10-30-12.30 | 25.9.08 | IT Law 1. 10.30 to 1.30 | IT Law-I. 2.30 to 5.30PM |
20.9.08 | Paper II. Same time | 27.9.08 | IT Law II. Same time. | IT Law II Same time |
22.9.08 | PaperIII. 10.30-1.00 | 29.9.08 | Other taxes. Same time | Other taxes. Same time. |
23.9.08 | PaperIV 10-30 -1.30 | 30.9.08 | Book keeping same time | Book keeping. Same time |
24.9.08 | Paper VHindi | 1.10.08 | Office | Office procedure.- Do- |
| 3.10.08 | Language Test. –do- | Exam. Of accounts. –do- |
| 4.10.08 | Language test10.30-11.00 | Hindi. 2.30. 3.30 |
| 6.10.08 | Language .Oral.11.30 |